Source code for pydl.pcomp

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty

[docs] class pcomp(object): """Replicates the IDL ``PCOMP()`` function. The attributes of this class are all read-only properties, implemented with :class:`~astropy.utils.decorators.lazyproperty`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like A 2-D array with :math:`N` rows and :math:`M` columns. standardize : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``True``, the input data will have its mean subtracted off and will be scaled to unit variance. covariance : :class:`bool`, optional. If set to ``True``, the covariance matrix of the data will be used for the computation. Otherwise the correlation matrix will be used. Notes ----- References ---------- Examples -------- """ def __init__(self, x, standardize=False, covariance=False): from scipy.linalg import eigh if x.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Input array must be two-dimensional') no, nv = x.shape self._nv = nv if standardize: xstd = x - np.tile(x.mean(0), no).reshape(x.shape) s = np.tile(xstd.std(0), no).reshape(x.shape) self._array = xstd/s self._xstd = xstd else: self._array = x self._xstd = None self._standardize = standardize if covariance: self._c = np.cov(self._array, rowvar=0) else: self._c = np.corrcoef(self._array, rowvar=0) self._covariance = covariance # # eigh is used for symmetric matrices # evals, evecs = eigh(self._c) # # Sort eigenvalues in descending order # ie = evals.argsort()[::-1] self._evals = evals[ie] self._evecs = evecs[:, ie] # # If necessary, add code to fix the signs of the eigenvectors. # # return @lazyproperty def coefficients(self): """(:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) The principal components. These are the coefficients of `derived`. Basically, they are a re-scaling of the eigenvectors. """ return self._evecs * np.tile(np.sqrt(self._evals), self._nv).reshape( self._nv, self._nv) @lazyproperty def derived(self): """(:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) The derived variables. """ derived_data =, self.coefficients) if self._standardize: derived_data += self._xstd return derived_data @lazyproperty def variance(self): """(:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) The variances of each derived variable. """ return self._evals/self._c.trace() @lazyproperty def eigenvalues(self): """(:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) The eigenvalues. There is one eigenvalue for each principal component. """ return self._evals