Source code for pydl.median

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[docs] def median(array, width=None, axis=None, even=False): """Replicate the IDL ``MEDIAN()`` function. Parameters ---------- array : array-like Compute the median of this array. width : :class:`int`, optional Size of the neighborhood in which to compute the median (*i.e.*, perform median filtering). If omitted, the median of the whole array is returned. axis : :class:`int`, optional Compute the median over this axis for a multi-dimensional array. If ommitted, the median over the entire array will be returned. If set, this function will behave as though `even` is ``True``. even : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``True``, the median of arrays with an even number of elements will be the average of the middle two values. Returns ------- array-like The median of the array. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If `width` is set, and the input `array` is not 1 or 2 dimensional. Notes ----- * For arrays with an even number of elements, the :func:`numpy.median` function behaves like ``MEDIAN(array, /EVEN)``, so the absence of the `even` keyword has to turn *off* that behavior. * For median filtering, this uses :func:`scipy.signal.medfilt` and :func:`scipy.signal.medfilt2d` under the hood, but patches up the values on the array boundaries to match the return values of the IDL ``MEDIAN()`` function. References ---------- """ import numpy as np from scipy.signal import medfilt, medfilt2d if width is None: if axis is None: f = array.flatten() if f.size % 2 == 1 or even: return np.median(array) else: i = f.argsort() return f[i[f.size//2]] else: return np.median(array, axis=axis) else: if array.ndim == 1: medarray = medfilt(array, min(width, array.size)) istart = int((width - 1)/2) iend = array.size - int((width + 1)/2) i = np.arange(array.size) w = (i < istart) | (i > iend) medarray[w] = array[w] return medarray elif array.ndim == 2: medarray = medfilt2d(array, min(width, array.size)) istart = int((width-1)/2) iend = (array.shape[0] - int((width+1)/2), array.shape[1] - int((width+1)/2)) i = np.arange(array.shape[0]) j = np.arange(array.shape[1]) w = ((i < istart) | (i > iend[0]), (j < istart) | (j > iend[1])) medarray[w[0], :] = array[w[0], :] medarray[:, w[1]] = array[:, w[1]] return medarray else: raise ValueError("Invalid number of dimensions for input array!")