# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module corresponds to the spec1d directory in idlspec2d.
import glob
import os
import time
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import solve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
except ImportError:
# automodapi can only skip this if it exists.
FontProperties = None
import astropy.units as u
from astropy import log
from astropy.io import ascii, fits
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from . import Pydlspec2dException, Pydlspec2dUserWarning
# Used for automated matplotlib plots.
_default_figsize = (16.0, 12.0)
# Used by findspec
findspec_cache = None
class HMF(object):
"""Class used to manage data for Heteroscedastic Matrix Factorization (HMF).
This is a replacement for :func:`~pydl.pydlspec2d.spec1d.pca_solve`.
It can be called with::
hmf = HMF(spectra, invvar)
output = hmf.solve()
The input spectra should be pre-processed through
spectra : array-like
The input spectral flux, assumed to have a common wavelength and
redshift system.
invvar : array-like
The inverse variance of the spectral flux.
K : :class:`int`, optional
The number of dimensions of the factorization (default 4).
n_iter : :class:`int`, optional
Number of iterations.
seed : :class:`int`, optional.
If set, pass this value to :func:`numpy.random.seed`.
nonnegative : :class:`bool`, optional
Set this to ``True`` to perform nonnegative HMF.
epsilon : :class:`float`, optional
Regularization parameter. Set to any non-negative float value to turn
it on.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print extra information.
See [1]_ and [2]_ for the original derivation of this method.
The HMF iteration is initialized using :func:`~scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans`,
which itself uses random numbers to initialize its state. If you need
to ensure reproducibility, call :func:`numpy.random.seed` before
initializing HMF.
The current algorithm cannot handle input data that contain *columns*
of zeros. Columns of this type need to be *carefully* removed from the
input data. This could also result in the output data having a different
size compared to the input data.
.. [1] `Tsalmantza, P., Decarli, R., Dotti, M., Hogg, D. W., 2011 ApJ 738, 20
.. [2] `Tsalmantza, P., Hogg, D. W., 2012 ApJ 753, 122
def __init__(self, spectra, invvar, K=4, n_iter=None, seed=None,
nonnegative=False, epsilon=None, verbose=False):
self.spectra = spectra
self.invvar = invvar
self.K = K
if n_iter is None:
if nonnegative:
self.n_iter = 2048
self.n_iter = 20
self.n_iter = int(n_iter)
self.seed = seed
self.nonnegative = nonnegative
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.verbose = verbose
self.a = None
self.g = None
if self.verbose:
def solve(self):
"""Process the inputs.
The HMF solution.
if len(self.spectra.shape) == 1:
nobj = 1
npix = self.spectra.shape[0]
nobj, npix = self.spectra.shape
log.info("Building HMF from %d object spectra." % (nobj,))
fluxdict = dict()
# If there is only one object spectrum, then all we can do is return it.
if nobj == 1:
fluxdict['flux'] = self.spectra.astype('f')
return fluxdict
a, g = self.iterate()
fluxdict['acoeff'] = a
fluxdict['flux'] = g
return fluxdict
def model(self):
"""Compute the model.
return np.dot(self.a, self.g)
def resid(self):
"""Compute residuals.
return self.spectra - self.model()
def chi(self):
r"""Compute :math:`\chi`, the scaled residual.
return self.resid() * np.sqrt(self.invvar)
def penalty(self):
"""Compute penalty for non-smoothness.
if self.epsilon is None:
return 0.0
return self.epsilon * np.sum(np.diff(self.g)**2)
def badness(self):
r"""Compute :math:`\chi^2`, including possible non-smoothness penalty.
return np.sum(self.chi()**2) + self.penalty()
def normbase(self):
"""Apply standard component normalization.
return np.sqrt((self.g**2).mean(1))
def astep(self):
"""Update for coefficients at fixed component spectra.
N, M = self.spectra.shape
K, M = self.g.shape
a = np.zeros((N, K), dtype=self.g.dtype)
for i in range(N):
Gi = np.zeros((K, K), dtype=self.g.dtype)
for k in range(K):
for kp in range(k, K):
Gi[k, kp] = np.sum(self.g[k, :] * self.g[kp, :] *
self.invvar[i, :])
if kp > k:
Gi[kp, k] = Gi[k, kp]
Fi = np.dot(self.g, self.spectra[i, :]*self.invvar[i, :])
a[i, :] = solve(Gi, Fi)
return a
def gstep(self):
"""Update for component spectra at fixed coefficients.
N, M = self.spectra.shape
N, K = self.a.shape
g = np.zeros((K, M), dtype=self.a.dtype)
e = np.zeros(self.g.shape, dtype=self.g.dtype)
d = np.zeros((K, K, M), dtype=self.a.dtype)
if self.epsilon is not None and self.epsilon > 0:
foo = self.epsilon * np.eye(K, dtype=self.a.dtype)
for l in range(M):
d[:, :, l] = foo
if l > 0 and l < M-1:
d[:, :, l] *= 2
# d[:, :, 0] = foo
# d[:, :, 1:M-1] = 2*foo
# d[:, :, M-1] = foo
e[:, 0] = self.epsilon*self.g[:, 1]
e[:, 1:M-1] = self.epsilon*(self.g[:, 0:M-2] + self.g[:, 2:M])
e[:, M-1] = self.epsilon*self.g[:, M-2]
for j in range(M):
Aj = np.zeros((K, K), dtype=self.a.dtype)
for k in range(K):
for kp in range(k, K):
Aj[k, kp] = np.sum(self.a[:, k] * self.a[:, kp] *
self.invvar[:, j])
if kp > k:
Aj[kp, k] = Aj[k, kp]
Aj += d[:, :, j]
Fj = (np.dot(self.a.T, self.spectra[:, j]*self.invvar[:, j]) +
e[:, j])
g[:, j] = solve(Aj, Fj)
return g
def astepnn(self):
"""Non-negative update for coefficients at fixed component spectra.
numerator = np.dot(self.spectra*self.invvar, self.g.T)
denominator = np.dot(np.dot(self.a, self.g)*self.invvar, self.g.T)
return self.a*(numerator/denominator)
def gstepnn(self):
"""Non-negative update for component spectra at fixed coefficients.
K, M = self.g.shape
numerator = np.dot(self.a.T, (self.spectra*self.invvar))
if self.epsilon is not None and self.epsilon > 0:
e = np.zeros(self.g.shape, dtype=self.g.dtype)
e[:, 0] = self.epsilon*self.g[:, 1]
e[:, 1:M-1] = self.epsilon*(self.g[:, 0:M-2] + self.g[:, 2:M])
e[:, M-1] = self.epsilon*self.g[:, M-2]
numerator += e
denominator = np.dot(self.a.T, np.dot(self.a, self.g)*self.invvar)
if self.epsilon is not None and self.epsilon > 0:
d = self.epsilon*self.g.copy()
d[:, 1:M-1] *= 2
denominator += d
return self.g*(numerator/denominator)
def reorder(self):
"""Reorder and rotate basis analogous to PCA.
from numpy.linalg import eigh
l, U = eigh(np.dot(self.a.T, self.a))
return (np.dot(self.a, U), np.dot(U.T, self.g))
def iterate(self):
"""Handle the HMF iteration.
:class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The fitting coefficients and fitted functions, respectively.
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans, whiten
from ..pydlutils.math import find_contiguous
N, M = self.spectra.shape
# Make spectra non-negative
if self.nonnegative:
self.spectra[self.spectra < 0] = 0
self.invvar[self.spectra < 0] = 0
# Detect and fix very bad columns.
si = self.spectra * self.invvar
if (self.spectra.sum(0) == 0).any():
log.warn("Columns of zeros detected in spectra!")
if (self.invvar.sum(0) == 0).any():
log.warn("Columns of zeros detected in invvar!")
if (si.sum(0) == 0).any():
log.warn("Columns of zeros detected in spectra*invvar!")
zerocol = ((self.spectra.sum(0) == 0) | (self.invvar.sum(0) == 0) |
(si.sum(0) == 0))
n_zero = zerocol.sum()
if n_zero > 0:
log.warn("Found %d bad columns in input data!" % (n_zero,))
# Find the largest set of contiguous pixels
goodcol = find_contiguous(~zerocol)
self.spectra = self.spectra[:, goodcol]
self.invvar = self.invvar[:, goodcol]
# si = si[:, goodcol]
# newloglam = fullloglam[goodcol]
# Initialize g matrix with kmeans
if self.seed is not None:
whitespectra = whiten(self.spectra)
log.debug(whitespectra[0:3, 0:3])
self.g, foo = kmeans(whitespectra, self.K)
# log.debug((self.normbase(), M))
# log.debug(self.g.shape)
self.g /= np.repeat(self.normbase(), M - n_zero).reshape(self.g.shape)
log.debug(self.g[0:3, 0:3])
# Initialize a matrix
self.a = np.outer(np.sqrt((self.spectra**2).mean(1)),
np.repeat(1.0/self.K, self.K))
if self.nonnegative:
for k in range(128):
self.a = self.astepnn()
# Iterate!
t0 = time.time()
for m in range(self.n_iter):
log.info("Starting iteration #%4d." % (m+1,))
if self.nonnegative:
self.a = self.astepnn()
self.g = self.gstepnn()
self.a = self.astep()
self.g = self.gstep()
self.a, self.g = self.reorder()
norm = self.normbase()
self.g /= np.repeat(norm, M - n_zero).reshape(self.g.shape)
self.a = (self.a.T*np.repeat(norm, N).reshape(self.K, N)).T
log.debug(self.a[0:3, 0:3])
log.debug(self.g[0:3, 0:3])
log.debug("Chi**2 after iteration #%4d = %f." % (m+1, self.badness()))
log.info("The elapsed time for iteration #%4d is %6.2f s." % (m+1, time.time()-t0))
return (self.a, self.g)
def findspec(*args, **kwargs):
"""Find SDSS/BOSS spectra that match a given RA, Dec.
ra, dec : array-like, optional
If set, the first two positional arguments will be interpreted as
RA, Dec.
best : :class:`bool`, optional
If set, return only the best match for each input RA, Dec.
infile : :class:`str`, optional
If set, read RA, Dec data from this file.
outfile : :class:`str`, optional
If set, print match data to this file.
print : :class:`bool`, optional
If set, print the match data to the console.
run1d : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`RUN1D`.
run2d : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`RUN2D`.
sdss : :class:`bool`, optional
If set, search for SDSS-I/II spectra instead of BOSS spectra.
searchrad : :class:`float`, optional
Search for spectra in this radius around given RA, Dec.
Default is 3 arcsec.
topdir : :class:`str`, optional
If set, override the value of :envvar:`SPECTRO_REDUX`
or :envvar:`BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX`.
A dictionary containing plate, MJD, fiber, etc.
from .. import uniq
from ..pydlutils.misc import struct_print
from ..pydlutils.spheregroup import spherematch
global findspec_cache
# Set up default values
if 'sdss' in kwargs:
if 'topdir' in kwargs:
topdir = kwargs['topdir']
topdir = os.environ['SPECTRO_REDUX']
if 'run2d' in kwargs:
run2d = str(kwargs['run2d'])
run2d = '26'
run1d = ''
if 'topdir' in kwargs:
topdir = kwargs['topdir']
topdir = os.environ['BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX']
if 'run2d' in kwargs:
run2d = str(kwargs['run2d'])
run2d = os.environ['RUN2D']
if 'run1d' in kwargs:
run1d = str(kwargs['run1d'])
run1d = os.environ['RUN1D']
if findspec_cache is None:
findspec_cache = {'lasttopdir': topdir, 'plist': None}
if (findspec_cache['plist'] is None or topdir != findspec_cache['lasttopdir']):
findspec_cache['lasttopdir'] = topdir
platelist_file = os.path.join(topdir, "platelist.fits")
plates_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(topdir, "plates-*.fits"))
plist = None
if os.path.exists(platelist_file):
platelist = fits.open(platelist_file)
plist = platelist[1].data
if len(plates_files) > 0:
plates = fits.open(plates_files[0])
plist = plates[1].data
if plist is None:
raise Pydlspec2dException("Plate list (platelist.fits or plates-*.fits) not found in {0}.".format(topdir))
findspec_cache['plist'] = plist
qdone = plist.field('STATUS1D') == 'Done'
qdone2d = plist.field('RUN2D').strip() == run2d
if run1d == '':
qdone1d = np.ones(plist.size, dtype='bool')
qdone1d = plist.field('RUN1D').strip() == run1d
qfinal = qdone & qdone2d & qdone1d
if not qfinal.any():
warn("No reduced plates!", Pydlspec2dUserWarning)
return None
idone = np.arange(plist.size)[qfinal]
# If there are positional arguments, interpret these as RA, Dec
if len(args) == 2:
ra = args[0]
dec = args[1]
# Read RA, Dec from infile if set
if 'infile' in kwargs:
infile_data = ascii.read(kwargs['infile'], names=['ra', 'dec'])
ra = infile_data["ra"].data
dec = infile_data["dec"].data
if 'searchrad' in kwargs:
searchrad = float(kwargs['searchrad'])
searchrad = 3.0/3600.0
# Create output structure
slist_type = np.dtype([('PLATE', 'i4'), ('MJD', 'i4'), ('FIBERID', 'i4'),
('RA', 'f8'), ('DEC', 'f8'), ('MATCHRAD', 'f8')])
# Match all plates with objects
imatch1, itmp, dist12 = spherematch(ra, dec, plist[qfinal].field('RACEN'),
searchrad+1.55, maxmatch=0)
if imatch1.size == 0:
warn("No matching plates found.", Pydlspec2dUserWarning)
return None
imatch2 = idone[itmp]
# Read all relevant plates
n_total = plist.field('N_TOTAL')
except KeyError:
n_total = np.zeros(plist.size, dtype='i4') + 640
iplate = imatch2[uniq(imatch2, imatch2.argsort())]
i0 = 0
plugmap = np.zeros(n_total[iplate].sum(), dtype=[('PLATE', 'i4'),
('MJD', 'i4'), ('FIBERID', 'i4'),
('RA', 'd'), ('DEC', 'd')])
for i in range(iplate.size):
spplate = readspec(plist[iplate[i]].field('PLATE'),
run2d=run2d, run1d=run1d)
index_to = i0 + np.arange(n_total[iplate[i]], dtype='i4')
plugmap['PLATE'][index_to] = plist[iplate[i]].field('PLATE')
plugmap['MJD'][index_to] = plist[iplate[i]].field('MJD')
plugmap['FIBERID'][index_to] = spplate['plugmap']['FIBERID']
plugmap['RA'][index_to] = spplate['plugmap']['RA']
plugmap['DEC'][index_to] = spplate['plugmap']['DEC']
i0 += n_total[iplate[i]]
i1, i2, d12 = spherematch(ra, dec, plugmap['RA'], plugmap['DEC'],
searchrad, maxmatch=0)
if i1.size == 0:
warn('No matching objects found.', Pydlspec2dUserWarning)
return None
if 'best' in kwargs:
# Return only best match per object
slist = np.zeros(ra.size, dtype=slist_type)
spplate = readspec(plugmap[i2]['PLATE'],
run2d=run2d, run1d=run1d)
sn = spplate['zans']['SN_MEDIAN']
isort = (i1 + np.where(sn > 0, sn, 0)/(sn+1.0).max()).argsort()
i1 = i1[isort]
i2 = i2[isort]
d12 = d12[isort]
iuniq = uniq(i1)
slist[i1[iuniq]]['PLATE'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['PLATE']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['MJD'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['MJD']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['FIBERID'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['FIBERID']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['RA'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['RA']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['DEC'] = plugmap[i2[iuniq]]['DEC']
slist[i1[iuniq]]['MATCHRAD'] = d12[iuniq]
# Return all matches
slist = np.zeros(i1.size, dtype=slist_type)
slist['PLATE'] = plugmap[i2]['PLATE']
slist['MJD'] = plugmap[i2]['MJD']
slist['FIBERID'] = plugmap[i2]['FIBERID']
slist['RA'] = plugmap[i2]['RA']
slist['DEC'] = plugmap[i2]['DEC']
slist['MATCHRAD'] = d12
# Print to terminal or output file
if 'print' in kwargs:
_ = struct_print(slist)
if 'outfile' in kwargs:
_ = struct_print(slist, filename=kwargs['outfile'])
return slist
def latest_mjd(plate, **kwargs):
"""Find the most recent MJD associated with a plate.
plate : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The plate(s) to examine.
An array of MJD values for each plate.
import re
if isinstance(plate, (int,)) or plate.shape == ():
platevec = np.array([plate], dtype='i4')
platevec = plate
mjd = np.zeros(len(platevec), dtype='i4')
mjdre = re.compile(r'spPlate-[0-9]{4}-([0-9]{5}).fits')
unique_plates = np.unique(platevec)
paths = spec_path(unique_plates, **kwargs)
for p, q in zip(paths, unique_plates):
plateglob = "{0}/spPlate-{1:04d}-*.fits".format(p, q)
bigmjd = 0
for f in glob.glob(plateglob):
thismjd = int(mjdre.search(f).groups()[0])
if thismjd > bigmjd:
bigmjd = thismjd
mjd[platevec == q] = bigmjd
return mjd
def number_of_fibers(plate, **kwargs):
"""Returns the total number of fibers per plate.
plate : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The plate(s) to examine.
The number of fibers on each plate.
# Get mjd values
if isinstance(plate, (int,)) or plate.shape == ():
platevec = np.array([plate], dtype='i4')
platevec = plate
mjd = latest_mjd(plate, **kwargs)
nfiber = np.zeros(mjd.size, dtype='i4')
# SDSS-I,II plates
nfiber[mjd < 55025] = 640
# Short circuit if we're done.
if (nfiber == 640).all():
return nfiber
# Not all BOSS plates have 1000 fibers
if 'path' in kwargs:
platelistpath = os.path.join(kwargs['path'], 'platelist.fits')
platelistpath = os.path.join(os.environ['BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX'], 'platelist.fits')
platelist = fits.open(platelistpath)
platentotal = platelist[1].data.field('N_TOTAL')
plateplate = platelist[1].data.field('PLATE')
platemjd = platelist[1].data.field('MJD')
platerun2d = platelist[1].data.field('RUN2D')
platerun1d = platelist[1].data.field('RUN1D')
if 'run2d' in kwargs:
run2d = kwargs['run2d']
run2d = os.environ['RUN2D']
if 'run1d' in kwargs:
run1d = kwargs['run1d']
run1d = os.environ['RUN1D']
for k in range(mjd.size):
nfiber[k] = platentotal[(plateplate == platevec[k]) &
(platemjd == mjd[k]) &
(platerun2d == run2d) &
(platerun1d == run1d)]
return nfiber
def pca_solve(newflux, newivar, maxiter=0, niter=10, nkeep=3,
nreturn=None, verbose=False):
"""Replacement for idlspec2d pca_solve.pro.
newflux : array-like
The input spectral flux, assumed to have a common wavelength and
redshift system.
newivar : array-like
The inverse variance of the spectral flux.
maxiter : :class:`int`, optional
Stop PCA+reject iterations after this number.
niter : :class:`int`, optional
Stop PCA iterations after this number.
nkeep : :class:`int`, optional
Number of PCA components to keep.
nreturn : :class:`int`, optional
Number of PCA components to return, usually the same as `nkeep`.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print extra information.
The PCA solution.
from .. import pcomp
from ..pydlutils.math import computechi2, djs_reject
if verbose:
if nreturn is None:
nreturn = nkeep
if len(newflux.shape) == 1:
nobj = 1
npix = newflux.shape[0]
nobj, npix = newflux.shape
log.info("Building PCA from %d object spectra." % (nobj,))
nzi = newivar.nonzero()
first_nonzero = (np.arange(nobj, dtype=nzi[0].dtype),
np.array([nzi[1][nzi[0] == k].min() for k in range(nobj)]))
# Construct the synthetic weight vector, to be used when replacing the
# low-S/N object pixels with the reconstructions.
synwvec = np.ones((npix,), dtype='d')
for ipix in range(npix):
indx = newivar[:, ipix] != 0
if indx.any():
synwvec[ipix] = newivar[indx, ipix].mean()
fluxdict = dict()
# If there is only one object spectrum, then all we can do is return it.
if nobj == 1:
fluxdict['flux'] = newflux.astype('f')
return fluxdict
# Rejection iteration loop.
qdone = 0
iiter = 0
# Begin with all points good.
outmask = None
inmask = newivar != 0
ymodel = None
# emevecs, emevals = pydlutils.empca(newflux, inmask)
# fluxdict['emevecs'] = emevecs
# fluxdict['emevals'] = emeveals
while qdone == 0 and iiter <= maxiter:
log.debug('starting djs_reject')
outmask, qdone = djs_reject(newflux, ymodel, inmask=inmask,
outmask=outmask, invvar=newivar)
log.debug('finished with djs_reject')
# Iteratively do the PCA solution
filtflux = newflux.copy()
acoeff = np.zeros((nobj, nkeep), dtype='d')
t0 = time.time()
for ipiter in range(niter):
# We want to get these values from the pcomp routine.
# eigenval = 1
# coeff = 1
flux0 = np.tile(filtflux[first_nonzero], npix).reshape(npix, nobj).transpose()
# flux0 = np.tile(filtflux, npix).reshape(npix, nobj).transpose()
totflux = np.absolute(filtflux - flux0).sum(1)
goodobj = totflux > 0
if goodobj.all():
tmp = pcomp(filtflux.T) # , standardize=True)
pres = tmp.derived
eigenval = tmp.eigenvalues
tmp = pcomp(filtflux[goodobj, :].T) # , standardize=True)
pres = np.zeros((nobj, npix), dtype='d')
pres[goodobj, :] = tmp.derived
eigenval = np.zeros((nobj,), dtype='d')
eigenval[goodobj] = tmp.eigenvalues
maskivar = newivar * outmask
sqivar = np.sqrt(maskivar)
for iobj in range(nobj):
out = computechi2(newflux[iobj, :], sqivar[iobj, :],
pres[:, 0:nkeep])
filtflux[iobj, :] = (maskivar[iobj, :] * newflux[iobj, :] +
synwvec*out.yfit) / (maskivar[iobj, :] +
acoeff[iobj, :] = out.acoeff
log.info("The elapsed time for iteration #%2d is %6.2f s." % (ipiter+1, time.time()-t0))
# Now set ymodel for rejecting points.
ymodel = np.dot(acoeff, pres[:, 0:nkeep].T)
iiter += 1
if nobj == 1:
usemask = outmask
usemask = outmask.sum(0)
fluxdict['usemask'] = usemask
fluxdict['outmask'] = outmask
fluxdict['flux'] = pres[:, 0:nreturn].transpose().astype('f')
fluxdict['eigenval'] = eigenval[0:nreturn]
fluxdict['acoeff'] = acoeff
return fluxdict
def plot_eig(filename, title='Unknown', save=True):
"""Plot spectra from an eigenspectra/template file.
filename : :class:`str`
Name of a FITS file containing eigenspectra/templates.
title : :class:`str`, optional
Title to put on the plot.
save : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, save the plot to a PNG file.
The figure and axes objects created.
If an unknown template type was input in `filename`.
# Set title based on filename
if title == 'Unknown':
if filename.find('Gal') > 0:
title = 'Galaxies: Eigenspectra'
elif filename.find('QSO') > 0:
title = 'QSOs: Eigenspectra'
elif filename.find('Star') > 0:
title = 'Stars: Eigenspectra'
elif filename.find('CVstar') > 0:
title = 'CV Stars: Eigenspectra'
raise ValueError('Unknown template type!')
base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
created = Time(int(base.split('-')[-1]), format='mjd').to_datetime().date().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
title += f" [{created}]"
except ValueError:
with fits.open(filename, mode='readonly') as hdulist:
w = WCS(hdulist[0].header, naxis=1)
newloglam0 = hdulist[0].header['COEFF0']
objdloglam = hdulist[0].header['COEFF1']
spectro_data = hdulist[0].data
(neig, ndata) = spectro_data.shape
lam = (w.wcs_pix2world(np.arange(ndata), 0)[0] * u.Unit(w.wcs.cunit[0])).to(u.Angstrom)
except u.UnitConversionError:
lam = 10**(np.arange(ndata)*objdloglam + newloglam0) * u.Angstrom
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=_default_figsize, dpi=100)
colorvec = ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c']
for i in range(neig):
if i == 0 and spectro_data[i, :].min() < 0:
eigen_flux = -1 * spectro_data[i, :]
eigen_flux = spectro_data[i, :]
_ = ax.plot(lam, eigen_flux,
colorvec[i % len(colorvec)]+'-', linewidth=1)
_ = ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [Å]')
_ = ax.set_ylabel('Flux [Arbitrary Units]')
_ = ax.set_title(title)
# ax.set_xlim([3500.0,10000.0])
# ax.set_ylim([-400.0,500.0])
# fig.savefig(base+'.zoom.png')
if save:
# plt.close(fig)
return (fig, ax)
def readspec(platein, mjd=None, fiber=None, **kwargs):
"""Read SDSS/BOSS spec2d & spec1d files.
platein : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Plate number(s).
mjd : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
MJD numbers. If not provided, they will be calculated by
fiber : array-like, optional
Fibers to read. If not set, all fibers from all plates will be
topdir : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX`.
run2d : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`RUN2D`.
run1d : :class:`str`, optional
Override the value of :envvar:`RUN1D`.
path : :class:`str`, optional
Override all path information with this directory name.
align : :class:`bool`, optional
If set, align all the spectra in wavelength.
znum : :class:`int`, optional
If set, return the znum-th best fit reshift fit, instead of the best.
A dictionary containing the data read.
nplate = len(platein)
plate = platein
except TypeError:
nplate = 1
plate = np.array([platein], dtype='i4')
if 'run2d' in kwargs:
run2d = kwargs['run2d']
run2d = os.environ['RUN2D']
if 'run1d' in kwargs:
run1d = kwargs['run1d']
run1d = os.environ['RUN1D']
if fiber is None:
# Read all fibers
nfibers = number_of_fibers(plate, **kwargs)
total_fibers = nfibers.sum()
platevec = np.zeros(total_fibers, dtype='i4')
fibervec = np.zeros(total_fibers, dtype='i4')
k = 0
for p in np.unique(plate):
n = np.unique(nfibers[plate == p])[0]
platevec[k:k+n] = p
fibervec[k:k+n] = np.arange(n) + 1
k += n
nfiber = len(fiber)
except TypeError:
nfiber = 1
if nplate > 1 and nfiber > 1 and nplate != nfiber:
raise TypeError("Plate & Fiber must have the same length!")
if nplate > 1:
platevec = np.array(plate, dtype='i4')
platevec = np.zeros(nfiber, dtype='i4') + plate
if nfiber > 1:
fibervec = np.array(fiber, dtype='i4')
fibervec = np.zeros(nplate, dtype='i4') + fiber
if mjd is None:
mjdvec = latest_mjd(platevec, **kwargs)
nmjd = len(mjd)
except TypeError:
nmjd = 1
if nmjd != nplate:
raise TypeError("Plate & MJD must have the same length!")
mjdvec = np.zeros(nplate, dtype='i4') + mjd
# Now select unique plate-mjd combinations & read them
pmjd = ((np.array(platevec, dtype='u8') << 16) +
np.array(mjdvec, dtype='u8'))
# log.debug(pmjd)
upmjd = np.unique(pmjd)
zupmjd = list(zip(upmjd >> 16, upmjd & ((1 << 16) - 1)))
# log.debug(zupmjd)
spplate_data = dict()
hdunames = ('flux', 'invvar', 'andmask', 'ormask', 'disp', 'plugmap',
'sky', 'loglam',)
for thisplate, thismjd in zupmjd:
# thisplate = int(p>>16)
# thismjd = int(np.bitwise_and(p, (1<<16)-1))
pmjdindex = ((platevec == thisplate) &
(mjdvec == thismjd)).nonzero()[0]
thisfiber = fibervec[pmjdindex]
# log.debug(type(thisplate), type(thismjd))
# log.debug(repr(thisfiber))
# log.debug(type(thisfiber))
pmjdstr = "{0:04d}-{1:05d}".format(int(thisplate), int(thismjd))
if 'path' in kwargs:
sppath = [kwargs['path']]
sppath = spec_path(thisplate, run2d=run2d)
spfile = os.path.join(sppath[0], "spPlate-{0}.fits".format(pmjdstr))
spplate = fits.open(spfile)
# Get wavelength coefficients from primary header
npix = spplate[0].header['NAXIS1']
c0 = spplate[0].header['COEFF0']
c1 = spplate[0].header['COEFF1']
coeff0 = np.zeros(thisfiber.size, dtype='d') + c0
coeff1 = np.zeros(thisfiber.size, dtype='d') + c1
loglam0 = c0 + c1*np.arange(npix, dtype='d')
loglam = np.resize(loglam0, (thisfiber.size, npix))
# Read the data images
for k in range(len(hdunames)):
if hdunames[k] == 'loglam':
tmp = loglam
tmp = spplate[k].data[thisfiber-1, :]
except IndexError:
tmp = spplate[k].data[thisfiber-1]
if hdunames[k] not in spplate_data:
if k == 0:
allpmjdindex = pmjdindex
allcoeff0 = coeff0
allcoeff1 = coeff1
# Put the data into the return structure
if hdunames[k] == 'plugmap':
spplate_data['plugmap'] = dict()
for c in spplate[k].columns.names:
spplate_data['plugmap'][c] = tmp[c]
spplate_data[hdunames[k]] = tmp
# Append data
if k == 0:
allpmjdindex = np.concatenate((allpmjdindex, pmjdindex))
if 'align' in kwargs:
mincoeff0 = min(allcoeff0)
if mincoeff0 == 0 and coeff0[0] > 0:
allcoeff0 = coeff0[0]
allcoeff1 = coeff1[1]
if mincoeff0 > 0 and coeff0[0] == 0:
coeff0 = mincoeff0
coeff1 = allcoeff1[0]
ps = np.floor((coeff0[0] - mincoeff0)/coeff1[0] + 0.5)
if ps > 0:
coeff0 = coeff0 - ps*coeff1
allcoeff0 = allcoeff0 + ps*allcoeff1
ps = 0
allcoeff0 = np.concatenate((allcoeff0, coeff0))
allcoeff1 = np.concatenate((allcoeff1, coeff1))
if hdunames[k] == 'plugmap':
for c in spplate[5].columns.names:
spplate_data['plugmap'][c] = np.concatenate(
(spplate_data['plugmap'][c], tmp[c]))
spplate_data[hdunames[k]] = spec_append(spplate_data[hdunames[k]], tmp, pixshift=ps)
# Read photoPlate information, if available
photofile = os.path.join(sppath[0],
if not os.path.exists(photofile):
# Hmm, maybe this is an SDSS-I,II plate
photofile = os.path.join(os.environ['SPECTRO_MATCH'], run2d,
if os.path.exists(photofile):
photop = fits.open(photofile)
tmp = photop[1].data[thisfiber-1]
if 'tsobj' not in spplate_data:
spplate_data['tsobj'] = dict()
for c in photop[1].columns.names:
spplate_data['tsobj'][c] = tmp[c]
for c in photop[1].columns.names:
spplate_data['tsobj'][c] = np.concatenate(
(spplate_data['tsobj'][c], tmp[c]))
# Read redshift information, if available.
if 'znum' in kwargs:
zfile = os.path.join(sppath[0], run1d,
zfile = os.path.join(sppath[0], run1d,
if os.path.exists(zfile):
spz = fits.open(zfile)
if 'znum' in kwargs:
nper = spz[0].header['DIMS0']
zfiber = (thisfiber-1)*nper + kwargs['znum'] - 1
zfiber = thisfiber
tmp = spz[1].data[zfiber-1]
if 'zans' not in spplate_data:
spplate_data['zans'] = dict()
for c in spz[1].columns.names:
spplate_data['zans'][c] = tmp[c]
for c in spz[1].columns.names:
spplate_data['zans'][c] = np.concatenate(
(spplate_data['zans'][c], tmp[c]))
# Reorder the data. At this point allpmjdindex is an index for which
# fiber[allpmjdindex] == spplate['plugmap']['FIBERID'], so we have to
# reverse this mapping.
j = allpmjdindex.argsort()
for k in spplate_data:
if isinstance(spplate_data[k], dict):
for c in spplate_data[k]:
if spplate_data[k][c].ndim == 2:
spplate_data[k][c] = spplate_data[k][c][j, :]
spplate_data[k][c] = spplate_data[k][c][j]
spplate_data[k] = spplate_data[k][j, :]
allcoeff0 = allcoeff0[j]
allcoeff1 = allcoeff1[j]
# If necessary, recompute the wavelengths
nfibers, npixmax = spplate_data['flux'].shape
if 'align' in kwargs:
loglam0 = allcoeff0[0] + allcoeff1[1]*np.arange(npixmax, dtype='d')
spplate_data['loglam'] = np.resize(loglam0, (nfibers, npixmax))
return spplate_data
def skymask(invvar, andmask, ormask=None, ngrow=2):
"""Mask regions where sky-subtraction errors are expected to dominate.
invvar : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Inverse variance.
andmask : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
An "and" mask. For historical reasons, this input is ignored.
ormask : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
An "or" mask. Although technically this is optional, if it is
not supplied, this function will have no effect.
ngrow : :class:`int`, optional
Expand bad areas by this number of pixels.
The `invvar` multiplied by the bad areas.
from ..pydlutils.sdss import sdss_flagval
from .. import smooth
nrows, npix = invvar.shape
badmask = np.zeros(invvar.shape, dtype='i4')
badskychi = sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'BADSKYCHI')
redmonster = sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'REDMONSTER')
# brightsky = sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'BRIGHTSKY')
if ormask is not None:
badmask = badmask | ((ormask & badskychi) != 0)
badmask = badmask | ((ormask & redmonster) != 0)
# badmask = badmask | ((andmask & brightsky) != 0)
if ngrow > 0:
width = 2*ngrow + 1
for k in range(nrows):
badmask[k, :] = smooth(badmask[k, :]*width, width, True) > 0
return invvar * (1 - badmask)
def spec_append(spec1, spec2, pixshift=0):
"""Append the array spec2 to the array spec1 & return a new array.
If the dimension of these arrays is the same, then append as [spec1,spec2].
If not, increase the size of the smaller array & fill with zeros.
spec1, spec2 : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Append `spec2` to `spec1`.
pixshift : :class:`int`, optional
If `pixshift` is set to a positive integer, `spec2` will be padded with
`pixshift` zeros on the left side. If `pixshift` is set to a
negative integer, `spec1` will be padded with ``abs(pixshift)`` zeros
on the left side. If not set, all zeros will be padded on the right
A new array containing both `spec1` and `spec2`.
nrows1, npix1 = spec1.shape
nrows2, npix2 = spec2.shape
nrows = nrows1+nrows2
nadd1 = 0
nadd2 = 0
if pixshift != 0:
if pixshift < 0:
nadd1 = -pixshift
nadd2 = pixshift
maxpix = max(npix1 + nadd1, npix2 + nadd2)
spec3 = np.zeros((nrows, maxpix), dtype=spec1.dtype)
spec3[0:nrows1, nadd1:nadd1+npix1] = spec1
spec3[nrows1:nrows, nadd2:nadd2+npix2] = spec2
return spec3
def spec_path(plate, path=None, topdir=None, run2d=None):
"""Return the directory containing spPlate files.
plate : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The plate(s) to examine.
path : :class:`str`, optional
If set, `path` becomes the full path for every plate. In other words,
it completely short-circuits this function.
topdir : :class:`str`, optional
Used to override the value of :envvar:`BOSS_SPECTRO_REDUX`.
run2d : :class:`str`, optional
Used to override the value of :envvar:`RUN2D`.
A list of directories, one for each plate.
If environment variables are not supplied.
if isinstance(plate, (int,)) or plate.shape == ():
platevec = np.array([plate], dtype='i4')
platevec = plate
if path is None:
if run2d is None:
run2d = os.environ['RUN2D']
if topdir is None:
_ = int(run2d)
except ValueError:
topdir = os.environ[env]
paths = list()
for p in platevec:
if path is not None:
paths.append(os.path.join(topdir, run2d, '{0:04d}'.format(p)))
return paths
def preprocess_spectra(flux, ivar, loglam=None, zfit=None, aesthetics='mean',
newloglam=None, wavemin=None, wavemax=None,
"""Handle the processing of input spectra through the
:func:`~pydl.pydlspec2d.spec2d.combine1fiber` stage.
flux : array-like
The input spectral flux.
ivar : array-like
The inverse variance of the spectral flux.
loglam : array-like, optional
The input wavelength solution.
zfit : array-like, optional
The redshift of each input spectrum.
aesthetics : :class:`str`, optional
This parameter will be passed to
newloglam : array-like, optional
The output wavelength solution.
wavemin : :class:`float`, optional
Minimum wavelength if `newloglam` is not specified.
wavemax : :class:`float`, optional
Maximum wavelength if `newloglam` is not specified.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print extra information.
:class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The resampled flux, inverse variance and wavelength solution,
from .spec2d import combine1fiber
if verbose:
if len(flux.shape) == 1:
nobj = 1
npix = flux.shape[0]
nobj, npix = flux.shape
# The redshift of each object in pixels would be logshift/objdloglam.
if zfit is None:
logshift = np.zeros((nobj,), dtype=flux.dtype)
logshift = np.log10(1.0 + zfit)
# Determine the new wavelength mapping.
if loglam is None:
if newloglam is None:
raise ValueError("newloglam must be set if loglam is not!")
return (flux, ivar, newloglam)
if newloglam is None:
igood = loglam != 0
dloglam = loglam[1] - loglam[0]
logmin = loglam[igood].min() - logshift.max()
logmax = loglam[igood].max() - logshift.min()
if wavemin is not None:
logmin = max(logmin, np.log10(wavemin))
if wavemax is not None:
logmax = min(logmax, np.log10(wavemax))
fullloglam = wavevector(logmin, logmax, binsz=dloglam)
fullloglam = newloglam
dloglam = fullloglam[1] - fullloglam[0]
nnew = fullloglam.size
fullflux = np.zeros((nobj, nnew), dtype='d')
fullivar = np.zeros((nobj, nnew), dtype='d')
# Shift each spectrum to z = 0 and sample at the output wavelengths
if loglam.ndim == 1:
indx = loglam > 0
rowloglam = loglam[indx]
for iobj in range(nobj):
log.info("OBJECT %5d" % (iobj,))
if loglam.ndim > 1:
if loglam.shape[0] != nobj:
raise ValueError('Wrong number of dimensions for loglam.')
indx = loglam[iobj, :] > 0
rowloglam = loglam[iobj, indx]
flux1, ivar1 = combine1fiber(rowloglam-logshift[iobj],
flux[iobj, indx], fullloglam,
objivar=ivar[iobj, indx],
binsz=dloglam, aesthetics=aesthetics,
fullflux[iobj, :] = flux1
fullivar[iobj, :] = ivar1
return (fullflux, fullivar, fullloglam)
def template_qso(metadata, newflux, newivar, verbose=False):
"""Run PCA or HMF on QSO spectra.
Historically, QSO templates were comptuted one at a time instead of
all at once.
metadata : :class:`dict`
Dictionary containing metadata about the spectra.
newflux : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
Flux shifted onto common wavelength.
newivar : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
Inverse variances of the fluxes.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print lots of extra information.
A dictonary containing flux, eigenvalues, etc.
from ..pydlutils.math import computechi2
if metadata['object'].lower() != 'qso':
raise Pydlspec2dException("You appear to be passing the wrong kind of object to template_qso()!")
if len(newflux.shape) == 1:
nobj = 1
npix = newflux.shape[0]
nobj, npix = newflux.shape
objflux = newflux.copy()
for ikeep in range(metadata['nkeep']):
log.info("Solving for eigencomponent #%d of %d" % (ikeep+1, metadata['nkeep']))
if metadata['method'].lower() == 'pca':
pcaflux1 = pca_solve(objflux, newivar,
niter=metadata['niter'], nkeep=1,
elif metadata['method'].lower() == 'hmf':
hmf = HMF(objflux, newivar,
pcaflux1 = hmf.solve()
raise ValueError("Unknown method: {0}!".format(metadata['method']))
if ikeep == 0:
# Create new pcaflux dict
pcaflux = dict()
for k in pcaflux1:
pcaflux[k] = pcaflux1[k].copy()
# Add to existing dict
# for k in pcaflux1:
# pcaflux[k] = np.vstack((pcaflux[k],pcaflux1[k]))
pcaflux['flux'] = np.vstack((pcaflux['flux'], pcaflux1['flux']))
pcaflux['eigenval'] = np.concatenate((pcaflux['eigenval'], pcaflux1['eigenval']))
# Re-solve for the coefficients using all PCA components so far
acoeff = np.zeros((nobj, ikeep+1), dtype=pcaflux1['acoeff'].dtype)
for iobj in range(nobj):
out = computechi2(newflux[iobj, :],
np.sqrt(pcaflux1['newivar'][iobj, :]),
acoeff[iobj, :] = out['acoeff']
# Prevent re-binning of spectra on subsequent calls to pca_solve()
# objloglam = None
if ikeep == 0:
objflux = newflux - np.outer(acoeff, pcaflux['flux'])
objflux = newflux - np.dot(acoeff, pcaflux['flux'])
# objflux = newflux - np.outer(acoeff,pcaflux['flux'])
# objinvvar = pcaflux1['newivar']
pcaflux['acoeff'] = acoeff
return pcaflux
def template_star(metadata, newloglam, newflux, newivar, slist, outfile,
"""Run PCA or HMF on stellar spectra of various classes.
metadata : :class:`dict`
Dictionary containing metadata about the spectra.
newloglam : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
The wavelength array, used only for plots.
newflux : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
Flux shifted onto common wavelength.
newivar : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
Inverse variances of the fluxes.
slist : :class:`~numpy.recarray`
The list of objects, containing stellar class information.
outfile : :class:`str`
The base name of output file, used for plots.
verbose : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print lots of extra information.
A dictonary containing flux, eigenvalues, etc.
from .. import uniq
from ..pydlutils.image import djs_maskinterp
if metadata['object'].lower() != 'star':
raise Pydlspec2dException("You appear to be passing the wrong kind of object to template_star()!")
# Find the list of unique star types
isort = np.argsort(slist['class'])
classlist = slist['class'][isort[uniq(slist['class'][isort])]]
# Loop over each star type
npix, nstars = newflux.shape
pcaflux = dict()
pcaflux['namearr'] = list()
for c in classlist:
# Find the subclasses for this stellar type
log.info("Finding eigenspectra for Stellar class %s." % (c,))
indx = (slist['class'] == c).nonzero()[0]
nindx = indx.size
thesesubclass = slist['subclass'][indx]
isort = np.argsort(thesesubclass)
subclasslist = thesesubclass[isort[uniq(thesesubclass[isort])]]
nsubclass = subclasslist.size
# Solve for 2 eigencomponents if we have specified subclasses for
# this stellar type
if nsubclass == 1:
nkeep = 1
nkeep = 2
if metadata['method'].lower() == 'pca':
pcaflux1 = pca_solve(newflux[indx, :], newivar[indx, :],
niter=metadata['niter'], nkeep=nkeep,
elif metadata['method'].lower() == 'hmf':
hmf = HMF(newflux[indx, :], newivar[indx, :],
pcaflux1 = hmf.solve()
raise ValueError("Unknown method: {0}!".format(metadata['method']))
# Some star templates are generated from only one spectrum,
# and these will not have a usemask set.
if 'usemask' not in pcaflux1:
pcaflux1['usemask'] = np.zeros((npix,), dtype='i4') + nindx
# Interpolate over bad flux values in the middle of a spectrum,
# and set fluxes to zero at the blue+red ends of the spectrum
# minuse = 1 # ?
minuse = np.floor((nindx+1) / 3.0)
qbad = pcaflux1['usemask'] < minuse
# Interpolate over all bad pixels
for j in range(nkeep):
pcaflux1['flux'][j, :] = djs_maskinterp(pcaflux1['flux'][j, :],
qbad, const=True)
# Set bad pixels at the very start or end of the spectrum to zero
# instead.
npix = qbad.size
igood = (~qbad).nonzero()[0]
if qbad[0]:
pcaflux1['flux'][:, 0:igood[0]-1] = 0
if qbad[npix-1]:
pcaflux1['flux'][:, igood[::-1][0]+1:npix] = 0
# Re-normalize the first eigenspectrum to a mean of 1
norm = pcaflux1['flux'][0, :].mean()
pcaflux1['flux'] /= norm
if 'acoeff' in pcaflux1:
pcaflux1['acoeff'] *= norm
# Now loop through each stellar subclass and reconstruct
# an eigenspectrum for that subclass
thesesubclassnum = np.zeros(thesesubclass.size, dtype='i4')
colorvec = ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c']
smallfont = FontProperties(size='xx-small')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=_default_figsize, dpi=100)
for isub in range(nsubclass):
ii = (thesesubclass == subclasslist[isub]).nonzero()[0]
thesesubclassnum[ii] = isub
if nkeep == 1:
thisflux = pcaflux1['flux'][0, :]
aratio = pcaflux1['acoeff'][ii, 1]/pcaflux1['acoeff'][ii, 0]
# np.median(foo) is equivalent to MEDIAN(foo,/EVEN)
thisratio = np.median(aratio)
thisflux = (pcaflux1['flux'][0, :] +
thisratio.astype('f') * pcaflux1['flux'][1, :])
# Plot spectra
plotflux = thisflux/thisflux.max()
_ = ax.plot(10.0**newloglam, plotflux,
"{0}-".format(colorvec[isub % len(colorvec)]),
if isub == 0:
_ = ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [Å]')
_ = ax.set_ylabel('Flux [arbitrary units]')
_ = ax.set_title('STAR {0}: Eigenspectra Reconstructions'.format(c))
_ = ax.text(10.0**newloglam[-1], plotflux[-1],
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center',
color=colorvec[isub % len(colorvec)], fontproperties=smallfont)
if 'flux' in pcaflux:
pcaflux['flux'] = np.vstack((pcaflux['flux'], thisflux))
# pcaflux['acoeff'] = np.vstack((pcaflux['acoeff'], pcaflux1['acoeff']))
# pcaflux['usemask'] = np.vstack((pcaflux['usemask'], pcaflux1['usemask']))
pcaflux['flux'] = thisflux
# pcaflux['acoeff'] = pcaflux1['acoeff']
# pcaflux['usemask'] = pcaflux1['usemask']
return pcaflux
def template_input_main(): # pragma: no cover
"""Entry point for the compute_templates script.
An integer suitable for passing to :func:`sys.exit`.
# Imports for main()
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import matplotlib
# Get home directory in platform-independent way
home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
# Get Options
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Compute spectral templates.",
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dump', action='store', dest='dump',
default=os.path.join(home_dir, 'scratch', 'templates', 'compute_templates.dump'),
help='Dump data to a pickle file (default: %(default)s).')
parser.add_argument('-F', '--flux', action='store_true', dest='flux',
help='Plot input spectra.')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', action='store', dest='inputfile',
default=os.path.join(home_dir, 'scratch', 'templates', 'compute_templates.par'),
help='Read input spectra and redshifts from FILE (default: %(default)s).')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
help='Print lots of extra information.')
options = parser.parse_args()
template_input(options.inputfile, options.dump, options.flux, options.verbose)
return 0
def wavevector(minfullwave, maxfullwave, zeropoint=3.5, binsz=1.0e-4,
"""Return an array of wavelengths.
minfullwave : :class:`float`
Minimum wavelength.
maxfullwave : :class:`float`
Maximum wavelength.
zeropoint : :class:`float`, optional
Offset of the input wavelength values.
binsz : :class:`float`, optional
Separation between wavelength values.
wavemin : :class:`float`, optional
If this is set the values of `minfullwave` and `zeropoint` are ignored.
Depending on the values of `minfullwave`, `binsz`, etc., the resulting
array could be interpreted as an array of wavelengths or an array of
if wavemin is not None:
spotmin = 0
spotmax = int((maxfullwave - wavemin)/binsz)
# wavemax = spotmax * binsz + wavemin
spotmin = int((minfullwave - zeropoint)/binsz) + 1
spotmax = int((maxfullwave - zeropoint)/binsz)
wavemin = spotmin * binsz + zeropoint
# wavemax = spotmax * binsz + zeropoint
nfinalpix = spotmax - spotmin + 1
finalwave = np.arange(nfinalpix, dtype='d') * binsz + wavemin
return finalwave