# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module corresponds to the window directory in photoop.
import os
import time
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from astropy import log
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.io.fits.fitsrec import FITS_rec
from astropy.table import Table
from . import PhotoopException
from .sdssio import sdss_name, sdss_calib
from ..pydlutils.mangle import FITS_polygon
from ..pydlutils.sdss import sdss_flagval
def sdss_score(flist, silent=True, **kwargs):
"""Score a list of imaging fields from zero to one.
Additional keyword arguments are passed to :func:`~pydl.photoop.sdssio.sdss_calib`.
flist : :class:`~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
Opened FITS file, typically ``window_flist.fits``.
silent : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``False``, print extra information.
A vector of scores, one for each row of the FITS file.
# Not sure why these were defined.
# lat = 32.780361
# lng = 360.0 - 105.820417
# tzone = 7
# scores = 1
# Read the PHOTO status bits
if not silent:
log.info('Setting PHOTO status bits')
t1 = time.time()
nlist = flist[1].header.get('NAXIS2')
fdata = flist[1].data
for k in range(nlist):
if not silent and ((k % 1000) == 0):
log.info("Setting PHOTO status {0:d} {1:d}".format(k, nlist))
thisfile = sdss_name('fpFieldStat', fdata.field('RUN')[k],
fdata.field('CAMCOL')[k], fdata.field('FIELD')[k],
fpfield = fits.open(thisfile)
except IOError:
warn("Retrying fpFieldStat file for RUN = {0:d} CAMCOL = {1:d} FIELD = {2:d} RERUN = {3}".format(fdata.field('RUN')[k],
fdata.field('CAMCOL')[k], fdata.field('FIELD')[k],
fpfield = fits.open(thisfile)
except IOError:
warn("Bad fpFieldStat file for RUN = {0:d} CAMCOL = {1:d} FIELD = {2:d} RERUN = {3}".format(fdata.field('RUN')[k],
fdata.field('CAMCOL')[k], fdata.field('FIELD')[k],
fdata.field('PHOTO_STATUS')[k] = -1
if not silent:
log.info('Trying tsField instead.')
thisfile = sdss_name('tsField', fdata.field('RUN')[k],
tsfield = fits.open(thisfile)
except IOError:
warn('Bad tsField file.')
if not silent:
log.info('tsField found, using frames_status.')
fdata.field('PHOTO_STATUS')[k] = tsfield[1].data.field('frames_status')[0]
fdata.field('PHOTO_STATUS')[k] = fpfield[1].data.field('status')[0]
fdata.field('PHOTO_STATUS')[k] = fpfield[1].data.field('status')[0]
if not silent:
log.info("Time to set PHOTO status = {0:f} sec".format(time.time()-t1))
# Read in the PSP status
if not silent:
log.info('Setting PSP status bits')
t2 = time.time()
for k in range(nlist):
if not silent and ((k % 1000) == 0):
log.info("Setting PSP status {0:d} {1:d}".format(k, nlist))
thisfile = sdss_name('psField', fdata.field('RUN')[k],
fdata.field('CAMCOL')[k], fdata.field('FIELD')[k],
psfield = fits.open(thisfile)
except IOError:
warn("Retrying psField file for RUN = {0:d} CAMCOL = {1:d} FIELD = {2:d} RERUN = {3}".format(fdata.field('RUN')[k],
fdata.field('CAMCOL')[k], fdata.field('FIELD')[k],
psfield = fits.open(thisfile)
except IOError:
warn("Bad psField file for RUN = {0:d} CAMCOL = {1:d} FIELD = {2:d} RERUN = {3}".format(fdata.field('RUN')[k],
fdata.field('CAMCOL')[k], fdata.field('FIELD')[k],
fdata.field('PSP_STATUS')[k] = -1
fdata.field('PSF_FWHM')[k] = -1
fdata.field('SKYFLUX')[k] = -1
pixscale = 0.396 * np.sqrt(fdata.field('XBIN')[k]**2 +
calibinfo = sdss_calib(fdata.field('RUN')[k],
fdata.field('RERUN')[k], **kwargs)
fdata.field('PSP_STATUS')[k] = psfield[6].data.field('status')[0]
fdata.field('PSF_FWHM')[k] = psfield[6].data.field('psf_width')[0]
fdata.field('SKYFLUX')[k] = (psfield[6].data.field('sky')[0] *
if not silent:
log.info("Time to set PSP status = {0:f} sec".format(time.time()-t2))
# Decide if each field exists in all 5 bands.
bad_bits = sdss_flagval('image_status', ['bad_rotator', 'bad_astrom',
'bad_focus', 'shutters'])
if 'ignoreframesstatus' in kwargs:
ignoreframesstatus = np.zeros(fdata.field('PHOTO_STATUS').shape) == 0
ignoreframesstatus = np.zeros(fdata.field('PHOTO_STATUS').shape) == 1
qexist = (fdata.field('PHOTO_STATUS') == 0) | ignoreframesstatus
for k in range(5):
qexist &= (fdata.field('IMAGE_STATUS')[:, k] & bad_bits) == 0
# Decide if each field is phtometric in all 5 bands.
unphot_bits = sdss_flagval('image_status', ['cloudy', 'unknown',
'ff_petals', 'dead_ccd', 'noisy_ccd'])
qphot = fdata.field('SUN_ANGLE') < -12
for k in range(5):
qphot &= (fdata.field('IMAGE_STATUS')[:, k] & unphot_bits) == 0
for k in range(5):
qphot &= (((fdata.field('PSP_STATUS')[:, k] & 31) <= 2) |
(fdata.field('XBIN') > 1) | ignoreframesstatus)
# Now set the score for each field
sensitivity = (0.7 / (fdata.field('PSF_FWHM')[:, 2] *
np.sqrt(fdata.field('SKYFLUX')[:, 2]))) < 0.4
fdata.field('SCORE')[:] = qexist * (0.1 + 0.5*qphot + sensitivity)
ibinned = np.find(fdata.field('XBIN') > 1)
if len(ibinned) > 0:
fdata.field('SCORE')[ibinned] *= 0.1
# Look for any NaN values, which could happen for example if there
# is a corrupted psField file and PSF_FWHM or SKYFLUX was negative.
ibad = np.find(~np.isfinite(fdata.field('SCORE')))
if len(ibad) > 0:
warn("Changing NaN scores for {0:d} fields to zero.".format(len(ibad)))
fdata.field('SCORE')[ibad] = 0
return fdata.field('SCORE')
def window_read(flist=False, rescore=False, blist=False, bcaps=False,
balkans=False, findx=False, bindx=False):
"""Read window files in :envvar:`PHOTO_RESOLVE`.
flist : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, read the ``window_flist.fits`` file.
rescore : :class:`bool`, optional
If `flist` is ``True``, look for ``window_flist_rescore.fits``, and run
:func:`~pydl.photoop.window.window_score` if it is not found.
blist : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, read the ``window_blist.fits`` file.
bcaps : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, read the ``window_bcaps.fits`` file.
balkans : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, construct the balkans from the ``window_blist.fits`` and
``window_bcaps.fits`` files.
findx : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, read the ``window_findx.fits`` file.
bindx : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, read the ``window_bindx.fits`` file.
A dictionary containing the requested window data.
If `balkans` is ``True``, the balkans data will be in the form of a
:class:`~pydl.pydlutils.mangle.FITS_polygon` object, to facilitate
interoperability with :mod:`pydl.pydlutils.mangle`. In this object,
the keyword ``IFIELD`` is equivalent to ``IPRIMARY`` and ``PIXEL`` is
eqivalent to ``IBINDX``.
resolve_dir = os.environ['PHOTO_RESOLVE']
except KeyError:
raise PhotoopException(('You have not set the environment variable ' +
r = dict()
if flist:
flist_file = os.path.join(resolve_dir, 'window_flist.fits')
if rescore:
flist_file = os.path.join(resolve_dir, 'window_flist_rescore.fits')
if not os.path.exists(flist_file):
r['flist'] = Table.read(flist_file, hdu=1)
if blist or balkans:
blist_file = os.path.join(resolve_dir, 'window_blist.fits')
r['blist'] = Table.read(blist_file, hdu=1)
if bcaps or balkans:
bcaps_file = os.path.join(resolve_dir, 'window_bcaps.fits')
r['bcaps'] = Table.read(bcaps_file, hdu=1)
if findx:
findx_file = os.path.join(resolve_dir, 'window_findx.fits')
r['findx'] = Table.read(findx_file, hdu=1)
if bindx:
bindx_file = os.path.join(resolve_dir, 'window_bindx.fits')
r['bindx'] = Table.read(bindx_file, hdu=1)
if balkans:
max_caps = r['blist']['NCAPS'].max()
r['balkans'] = np.recarray((len(r['blist']),),
dtype=[('IFIELD', r['blist']['IPRIMARY'].dtype),
('PIXEL', r['blist']['IBINDX'].dtype),
('NCAPS', r['blist']['NCAPS'].dtype),
('USE_CAPS', np.int32),
('WEIGHT', r['blist']['WEIGHT'].dtype),
('STR', r['blist']['STR'].dtype),
('XCAPS', r['bcaps']['X'].dtype, (max_caps, 3)),
('CMCAPS', r['bcaps']['CM'].dtype, (max_caps,)),
r['balkans']['IFIELD'] = r['blist']['IPRIMARY']
r['balkans']['PIXEL'] = r['blist']['IBINDX']
r['balkans']['NCAPS'] = r['blist']['NCAPS']
r['balkans']['USE_CAPS'] = (1 << r['blist']['NCAPS']) - 1
r['balkans']['WEIGHT'] = r['blist']['WEIGHT']
r['balkans']['STR'] = r['blist']['STR']
for k in range(len(r['blist'])):
r['balkans'][k]['XCAPS'][0:r['blist']['NCAPS'][k], :] = r['bcaps']['X'][r['blist']['ICAP'][k]:r['blist']['ICAP'][k]+r['blist']['NCAPS'][k], :]
r['balkans'][k]['CMCAPS'][0:r['blist']['NCAPS'][k]] = r['bcaps']['CM'][r['blist']['ICAP'][k]:r['blist']['ICAP'][k]+r['blist']['NCAPS'][k]]
# Since allow_doubles is True, would set_use_caps ever return anything but the default value?
# Comparing to the IDL code, it does appear to be the case that
# set_use_caps is completely useless.
# r['balkans'][k]['USE_CAPS'] = set_use_caps(ManglePolygon(r['balkans'][k]),
# np.arange(r['balkans'][k]['NCAPS'], dtype=np.int32),
# allow_doubles=True)
r['balkans'] = r['balkans'].view(FITS_polygon)
if not blist:
del r['blist']
if not bcaps:
del r['bcaps']
return r
def window_score(rescore=False):
"""For uber-resolve, score all the fields from zero to one.
rescore : :class:`bool`, optional
If `rescore` is ``True``, then write a new file 'window_flist_rescore.fits'
rather than over-writing the file 'window_flist.fits'
# Be certain not to use global calibrations
calib_dir_save = os.environ['PHOTO_CALIB']
except KeyError:
raise PhotoopException(('You have not set the environment variable ' +
del os.environ['PHOTO_CALIB']
# Read the file
resolve_dir = os.environ['PHOTO_RESOLVE']
except KeyError:
raise PhotoopException(('You have not set the environment variable ' +
filename = os.path.join(resolve_dir, 'window_flist.fits')
if rescore:
fitsmode = 'readonly'
fitsmode = 'update'
flist = fits.open(filename, mode=fitsmode)
except OSError:
raise PhotoopException('Unable to read FLIST file.')
# Construct the scores filling in the values to FLIST.SCORE
flist[1].data['SCORE'][:] = sdss_score(flist)
if rescore:
flist.writeto(os.path.join(resolve_dir, 'window_flist_rescore.fits'))
# Restore the PHOTO_CALIB variable
os.environ['PHOTO_CALIB'] = calib_dir_save