Source code for pydl.pydlutils.misc

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module corresponds to the misc directory in idlutils.
import numpy as np
from . import PydlutilsException

[docs]def decode_mixed(x): """Convert bytes in Numpy arrays into strings. Leave other stuff alone. Parameters ---------- x : object Input object. Returns ------- object If `x` has a ``decode()`` method, ``x.decode()`` will be returned. Otherwise `x` will be returned unchanged. """ try: return x.decode() except: return x
[docs]def djs_laxisgen(dims, iaxis=0): """Returns an integer array where each element of the array is set equal to its index number along the specified axis. Parameters ---------- dims : :class:`list` Dimensions of the array to return. iaxis : :class:`int`, optional Index along this dimension. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of indexes with ``dtype=int32``. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If `iaxis` is greater than or equal to the number of dimensions. Notes ----- For two or more dimensions, there is no difference between this routine and :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.misc.djs_laxisnum`. Examples -------- >>> from pydl.pydlutils.misc import djs_laxisgen >>> print(djs_laxisgen([4,4])) [[0 0 0 0] [1 1 1 1] [2 2 2 2] [3 3 3 3]] """ ndimen = len(dims) if ndimen == 1: return np.arange(dims[0], dtype='i4') return djs_laxisnum(dims, iaxis)
[docs]def djs_laxisnum(dims, iaxis=0): """Returns an integer array where each element of the array is set equal to its index number in the specified axis. Parameters ---------- dims : :class:`list` Dimensions of the array to return. iaxis : :class:`int`, optional Index along this dimension. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` An array of indexes with ``dtype=int32``. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If `iaxis` is greater than or equal to the number of dimensions, or if number of dimensions is greater than three. Notes ----- For two or more dimensions, there is no difference between this routine and :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.misc.djs_laxisgen`. Examples -------- >>> from pydl.pydlutils.misc import djs_laxisnum >>> print(djs_laxisnum([4,4])) [[0 0 0 0] [1 1 1 1] [2 2 2 2] [3 3 3 3]] """ ndimen = len(dims) result = np.zeros(dims, dtype='i4') if ndimen == 1: pass elif ndimen == 2: if iaxis == 0: for k in range(dims[0]): result[k, :] = k elif iaxis == 1: for k in range(dims[1]): result[:, k] = k else: raise ValueError("Bad value for iaxis: {0:d}".format(iaxis)) elif ndimen == 3: if iaxis == 0: for k in range(dims[0]): result[k, :, :] = k elif iaxis == 1: for k in range(dims[1]): result[:, k, :] = k elif iaxis == 2: for k in range(dims[2]): result[:, :, k] = k else: raise ValueError("Bad value for iaxis: {0:d}".format(iaxis)) else: raise ValueError("{0:d} dimensions not supported.".format(ndimen)) return result
[docs]def hogg_iau_name(ra, dec, prefix='SDSS', precision=1): """Properly format astronomical source names to the IAU convention. Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Right ascencion in decimal degrees dec : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Declination in decimal degrees. prefix : :class:`str`, optional Add this prefix to the string, defaults to 'SDSS'. precision : :class:`int`, optional Display this many digits of precision on seconds, default 1. Returns ------- :class:`str` or :class:`list` The IAU name for the coordinates. Examples -------- >>> from pydl.pydlutils.misc import hogg_iau_name >>> hogg_iau_name(354.120375,-0.544777778) 'SDSS J233628.89-003241.2' """ # # Promote scalar values to arrays. # if isinstance(ra, float): ra = np.array([ra]) if isinstance(dec, float): dec = np.array([dec]) h = ra/15.0 rah = np.floor(h) ram = np.floor(60.0*(h-rah)) ras = 60.0*(60.0*(h-rah) - ram) ras = np.floor(ras*10.0**(precision+1))/10.0**(precision+1) rasformat = "{{2:0{0:d}.{1:d}f}}".format(precision+4, precision+1) rah = rah.astype(np.int32) ram = ram.astype(np.int32) desgn = np.array(list('+'*len(dec))) desgn[dec < 0] = '-' adec = np.absolute(dec) ded = np.floor(adec) dem = np.floor(60.0*(adec-ded)) des = 60.0*(60.0*(adec-ded) - dem) des = np.floor(des*10.0**precision)/10.0**precision desformat = "{{6:0{0:d}.{1:d}f}}".format(precision+3, precision) if precision == 0: desformat = "{6:02d}" des = des.astype(np.int32) ded = ded.astype(np.int32) dem = dem.astype(np.int32) adformat = "{{0:02d}}{{1:02d}}{ras}{{3:s}}{{4:02d}}{{5:02d}}{des}".format( ras=rasformat, des=desformat) adstr = [adformat.format(*x) for x in zip( rah, ram, ras, desgn, ded, dem, des)] if prefix == '': jstr = 'J' else: jstr = ' J' name = ["{0}{1}{2}".format(prefix, jstr, x) for x in adstr] if len(ra) == 1: return name[0] else: return name
[docs]def hogg_iau_name_main(): # pragma: no cover from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description='Properly format astronomical ' + 'source names to the IAU convention.') parser.add_argument('-P', '--precision', dest='precision', action='store', metavar='N', default=1, type=int, help='Digits of precision to add to the declination.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', dest='prefix', action='store', metavar='STR', default='SDSS', help='Add this prefix to the name.') parser.add_argument('ra', metavar='RA', type=float, help='Right Ascension.') parser.add_argument('dec', metavar='Dec', type=float, help='Declination.') options = parser.parse_args() print(hogg_iau_name(options.ra, options.dec, prefix=options.prefix, precision=options.precision)) return 0
[docs]def struct_print(array, filename=None, formatcodes=None, alias=None, fdigit=5, ddigit=7, html=False, no_head=False, silent=False): """Print a NumPy record array (analogous to an IDL structure) in a nice way. Parameters ---------- array : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A record array to print. filename : :class:`str` or file-like, optional If supplied, write to this file. formatcodes : :class:`dict`, optional If supplied, use explicit format for certain columns. alias : :class:`dict`, optional If supplied, use this mapping of record array column names to printed column names. fdigit : :class:`int`, optional Width of 32-bit floating point columns, default 5. ddigit : :class:`int`, optional Width of 64-bit floating point columns, default 7. html : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, print an html table. no_head : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, *don't* print a header line. silent : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, do not print the table, just return it. Returns ------- :func:`tuple` A tuple containing a list of the lines in the table. If `html` is ``True``, also returns a list of lines of CSS for formatting the table. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pydl.pydlutils.misc import struct_print >>> struct_print(np.array([(1,2.34,'five'),(2,3.456,'seven'),(3,4.5678,'nine')],dtype=[('a','i4'),('bb','f4'),('ccc','S5')]),silent=True) (['a bb ccc ', '- ----------- -----', '1 2.34 five ', '2 3.456 seven', '3 4.5678 nine '], []) """ if html: headstart = '<tr><th>' headsep = '</th><th>' headend = '</th></tr>' colstart = '<tr><td>' colsep = '</td><td>' colend = '</td></tr>' css = ['<style type="text/css">', 'table {', ' border-collapse: collapse;', '}', 'th {', ' padding: 2px;', ' text-align: right;', ' border: 1px solid black;', ' font-weight: bold;', '}', 'td {', ' padding: 2px;', ' text-align: right;', ' border: 1px solid black;', '}', '</style>'] else: headstart = '' headsep = ' ' headend = '' colstart = '' colsep = ' ' colend = '' css = list() # # Alias should be a dictionary that maps structure names to column names # if alias is None: # # Create a dummy alias dictionary # alias = dict(list(zip(array.dtype.names, array.dtype.names))) else: # # Fill in any missing values of the alias dictionary # for tag in array.dtype.names: if tag not in alias: alias[tag] = tag # # Formatcodes allows an override for certain columns. # if formatcodes is None: formatcodes = dict() # # This dictionary will hold the number of characters in each column # nchar = dict() # # Construct format codes for each column # for k, tag in enumerate(array.dtype.names): if tag in formatcodes: thiscode = formatcodes[tag] thisn = len(thiscode.format(array[tag][0])) else: d = array.dtype.fields[tag][0] if d.kind == 'i' or d.kind == 'u': thisn = max(max(len(str(array[tag].min())), len(str(array[tag].max()))), len(tag)) thiscode = "{{{0:d}:{1:d}d}}".format(k, thisn) elif d.kind == 'f': if d.itemsize == 8: prec = ddigit else: prec = fdigit thisn = prec + 6 if array[tag].min() < 0: thisn += 1 thiscode = "{{{0:d}:{1:d}.{2:d}g}}".format(k, thisn, prec) elif d.kind == 'S' or d.kind == 'U': thisn = max(d.itemsize, len(tag)) thiscode = "{{{0:d}:{1:d}s}}".format(k, thisn) else: raise PydlutilsException( "Unsupported kind: {0}".format(d.kind)) formatcodes[tag] = thiscode nchar[tag] = thisn # # Start building an array of lines # lines = list() # # Construct header lines # if html: lines.append('<table>') hdr1 = (headstart + headsep.join([alias[tag] for tag in array.dtype.names]) + headend) lines.append(hdr1) else: if not no_head: hdr1 = (headstart + headsep.join([("{{0:{0:d}s}}".format( nchar[tag])).format(alias[tag]) for tag in array.dtype.names]) + headend) hdr2 = (headstart + headsep.join(['-' * nchar[tag] for tag in array.dtype.names]) + headend) lines.append(hdr1) lines.append(hdr2) # # Create a format string for the data from the individual format codes # rowformat = (colstart + colsep.join([formatcodes[tag] for tag in array.dtype.names]) + colend) for k in range(array.size): lines.append(rowformat.format( *([decode_mixed(l) for l in array[k].tolist()]))) if html: lines.append('</table>') f = None # This variable will store a file handle close_file = False if filename is not None: if hasattr(filename, 'write'): f = filename else: f = open(filename, 'w+b') close_file = True if f is None: if not silent: # pragma: no cover print("\n".join(lines)+"\n") else: f.write(("\n".join(lines)+"\n").encode('utf-8')) if close_file: f.close() return (lines, css)