Goddard Utilities (pydl.goddard)


This package provides functionality similar to the The IDL® Astronomy User’s Libary, sometimes called the “Goddard Utilities”, maintained by Wayne Landsman and distributed with idlutils.

In general, functions that are needed by pydl.pydlutils or pydl.pydlspec2d are implemented, while functions that are not needed have much lower priority.

The Goddard package is itself divided into a number of subpackages. Below we list the subpackages and the usability of the PyDL equivalent. The readiness levels are defined as:

No point in implementing because the purpose of the code lapsed many years ago.
Not Applicable (NA)
No point in implementing because another built-in or numpy/scipy/astropy package completely replaces this.
Not (yet) implemented at all.
Only a few functions are implemented.
Enough functions are implemented to be useful, but some are missing.
Pretty much anything you could do with the Goddard code you can do with the equivalent here.
Subpackage Readiness Level Comments
astro Rudimentary General astronomical utility functions.
astrom NA Tools for manipulating WCS data in FITS headers. Use astropy.io.fits and astropy.wcs.
coyote NA The Coyote library for plotting and graphics developed by David Fanning.
database None Allows access to IDL-specific databases.
disk_io None Provides access to IRAF image (.imh) files and AJ/ApJ-style tables.
fits NA Use astropy.io.fits.
fits_bintable NA Use astropy.io.fits.
fits_table NA Use astropy.io.fits.
idlphot None Adapted from an early version of DAOPHOT.
image None Generic image processing functions, including convolution/deconvolution.
jhuapl None Functions from the JHU Applied Physics Lab.
markwardt None Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization.
math Rudimentary Generic mathematical functions. Many are implemented in numpy or scipy.
misc Rudimentary General utility functions that do not involve astronomy specifically.
plot NA Functions that supplement the built-in IDL plotting capabilities.
robust None Robust statistical fitting procedures.
sdas None Provides access to STDAS/GEIS image files.
sockets NA Functions for performing web queries in IDL. Use astroquery.
structure NA Tools for manipulating IDL data structures. Use numpy.recarray.
tv NA Functions for manipulating IDL image displays.


pydl.goddard Package

This subpackage contains the Goddard utilities.

pydl.goddard.astro Module

This module corresponds to the goddard/astro directory in idlutils.


airtovac(air) Convert air wavelengths to wavelengths in vacuum.
gcirc(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2[, units]) Computes rigorous great circle arc distances.
get_juldate([seconds]) Returns the current Julian date.
get_juldate_main() Entry point for the get_juldate command-line script.
vactoair(vacuum) Convert vacuum wavelengths to wavelengths in air.

pydl.goddard.math Module

This module corresponds to the goddard/math directory in idlutils.


flegendre(x, m) Compute the first m Legendre polynomials.

pydl.goddard.misc Module

This module corresponds to the goddard/misc directory in idlutils.


cirrange(ang[, radians]) Convert an angle larger than 360 degrees to one less than 360 degrees.