
pydl.pydlutils.misc.struct_print(array, filename=None, formatcodes=None, alias=None, fdigit=5, ddigit=7, html=False, no_head=False, silent=False)[source]

Print a NumPy record array (analogous to an IDL structure) in a nice way.

array : numpy.ndarray

A record array to print.

filename : str or file-like, optional

If supplied, write to this file.

formatcodes : dict, optional

If supplied, use explicit format for certain columns.

alias : dict, optional

If supplied, use this mapping of record array column names to printed column names.

fdigit : int, optional

Width of 32-bit floating point columns, default 5.

ddigit : int, optional

Width of 64-bit floating point columns, default 7.

html : bool, optional

If True, print an html table.

no_head : bool, optional

If True, don’t print a header line.

silent : bool, optional

If True, do not print the table, just return it.


A tuple containing a list of the lines in the table. If html is True, also returns a list of lines of CSS for formatting the table.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pydl.pydlutils.misc import struct_print
>>> struct_print(np.array([(1,2.34,'five'),(2,3.456,'seven'),(3,4.5678,'nine')],dtype=[('a','i4'),('bb','f4'),('ccc','S5')]),silent=True)
(['a bb          ccc  ', '- ----------- -----', '1        2.34 five ', '2       3.456 seven', '3      4.5678 nine '], [])