============== PyDL Changelog ============== 1.0.0 (unreleased) ------------------ *This version will only support Python 3 and Astropy 3.* This release is planned for early 2019. 0.7.0 (2019-02-22) ------------------ *This version is planned to be the last version with Python 2 support.* * Support the ``firstField`` bit in ObjIDs from DR7 and earlier (Issue `#37`_). * Change tests of Astropy development version from Python 2 to Python 3. * Update to `astropy_helpers`_/v2.0.6 (PR `#40`_). * Add :mod:`astropy.units` support to :func:`~pydl.goddard.astro.airtovac` and :func:`~pydl.goddard.astro.vactoair` (PR `#41`_). * Change Exelis to Harris Geospatial (PR `#42`_). * Fix ``FutureWarning`` in ``re`` in Python 3.7 due to nested sets (PR `#44`_). * Use ``six`` instead of ``astropy.extern.six`` (PR `#48`_). * Update ``_astropy_init.py`` (PR `#47`_ via PR `#48`_). * Update `astropy_helpers`_/v2.0.8 (PR `#45`_ via PR `#48`_). .. _`#37`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/37. .. _`#40`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/40 .. _`#41`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/41 .. _`#42`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/42 .. _`#44`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/44 .. _`#45`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/45 .. _`#47`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/47 .. _`#48`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/48 0.6.0 (2017-09-19) ------------------ * This release is compatible with Astropy 2.0, and may be backwards incompatible with astropy v1.x. * Update to `astropy_helpers`_/v2.0.1. * Use standard library :mod:`argparse` (Issue `#31`_). * Use the new :class:`astropy.coordinates.Attribute` class. * Fix typo (PR `#26`_). .. _`#31`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/31. .. _`#26`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/26 0.5.4 (2017-05-04) ------------------ * Added :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.sdss.sdss_specobjid` to compute SDSS specObjIDs, and its inverse function :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.sdss.unwrap_specobjid`. * Update to `astropy_helpers`_/v1.3.1. * Refactor HMF code into an object to contain the data and methods. * Use functions from :mod:`astropy.utils.data` where possible. * Fix an integer division error encountered when using Numpy 1.12 (Issue `#19`_). * Fixed tests that were failing on 32-bit platforms *and* Python 3.5 (Issue `#20`_). .. _`#19`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/19 .. _`#20`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/20 0.5.3 (2016-12-03) ------------------ * Fixed formatting of TODO document. * Fixed tests that were failing on 32-bit platforms (Issue `#14`_). * Use temporary files so that tests can run when astropy is installed read-only (*e.g.*, with :command:`pip`; Issue `#16`_) .. _`#14`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/14 .. _`#16`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/16 0.5.2 (2016-08-04) ------------------ * Changes in how Mangle-polygon containing FITS files are handled, related to Issue `#11`_. * Fixed memory leak in :func:`~pydl.pydlspec2d.spec2d.combine1fiber`, see Issue `#12`_. * Added :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.mangle.is_in_window`. * Allow polygon area functions to deal with negative caps and ``use_caps``. * Update ``docs/conf.py`` for Python 3.5 compatibility (PR `#13`_). .. _`#13`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/13 .. _`#11`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/11 .. _`#12`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/12 0.5.1 (2016-06-22) ------------------ * Removed unnecessary ``from __future__`` import in :mod:`pydl.pydlspec2d.spec1d`. * Ongoing documentation upgrades. * Update some links that needed to be transitioned from SDSS-III to SDSS-IV. * Upgrade to `astropy_helpers`_/v1.2. * Update to latest version of package-template_. * Disabled tests on Python 3.3; enabled tests on Python 3.5 * Fix Issue `#8`_; Issue `#9`_. * Add warnings about incomplete Mangle functions. .. _`#8`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/8 .. _`#9`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/issues/9 0.5.0 (2016-05-01) ------------------ * Dropped support for Python 2.6. Python 2.6 does not contain :class:`collections.OrderedDict`, which is needed to support :class:`~pydl.pydlutils.yanny.yanny` objects, and at this point it is not worth going to the trouble to support this with an external package. * Ongoing review and upgrade of docstrings. * Yanny files can now be converted into *genuine* NumPy :class:`record arrays `; previously, the conversion was only to :class:`numpy.ndarray` with named columns, which is a slightly different thing. * Added additional tests on :class:`~pydl.pydlutils.yanny.yanny` objects. * Experimental support for interconversion of :class:`~pydl.pydlutils.yanny.yanny` objects and :class:`~astropy.table.Table` objects. * Improving `PEP 8`_ compliance * Restructuing sub-packages to reduce the number of files. * Improvements to spectral template processing code, deduplicated some code. * Support platform-independent home directory (PR `#7`_). * Uppercase the package name (in documentation only). * Upgrade to `astropy_helpers`_/v1.1.1. * Add functions from the idlutils rgbcolor directory. * :func:`~pydl.pydlspec2d.spec1d.spec_path` can now find SDSS spectra, not just BOSS. .. _`PEP 8`: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ .. _`#7`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/7 0.4.1 (2015-09-22) ------------------ * No changes at all from 0.4.0. This tag only exists because of a botched PyPI upload. 0.4.0 (2015-09-22) ------------------ * Use `astropy_helpers`_/v1.0.3, package-template_/v1.0. * Remove some old FITS code that :mod:`astropy.io.fits` makes moot. * Remove code for command-line scripts. These are now auto-generated by the "entry_point" method. * Remove Python/3.2 tests. * Improved test coverage. * Fixed problem with the :mod:`~pydl.pydlutils.spheregroup` code. * Removed some code that is 100% redundant with astropy (*e.g.* ``angles_to_xyz()``). * Fixed bug in :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.mangle.set_use_caps` that was discovered on the IDL side. * Updated documentation of :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.mangle.read_fits_polygons`. * Added cross-references to classes, functions, etc. 0.3.0 (2015-02-20) ------------------ * Use `astropy_helpers`_/v0.4.3, package-template_/v0.4.1. * Avoided (but did not fix) a bug in :class:`~pydl.pydlutils.spheregroup.chunks` that occurs when operating on a list of coordinates of length 1. * Fixed a typo in :class:`~pydl.pydlutils.bspline.bspline`, added documentation. * Simplify documentation files. * :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.sdss.sdss_flagname` now accepts more types of numeric input. * Added :doc:`credits` file. 0.2.3 (2014-07-22) ------------------ * Added :mod:`pydl.photoop.window`. * Added stub :func:`~pydl.photoop.sdssio.sdss_calib`, updated :func:`~pydl.photoop.window.sdss_score`. * Added :func:`~pydl.photoop.photoobj.unwrap_objid`. * Merged pull request #4, fixing some Python3 issues. 0.2.2 (2014-05-07) ------------------ * Updated to latest package-template_ version. * Added ability to `write multiple ndarray to yanny files`_. * Fixed :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.misc.struct_print` test for older Numpy versions. * Fixed failing yanny file test. * Improve test infrastructure, including Travis builds. * Allow comment characters inside quoted strings in yanny files. 0.2.1 (2013-10-06) ------------------ * Added :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.sdss.sdss_sweep_circle`. * Added first few :mod:`pydl.photoop` functions. * Clean up some import statements. 0.2.0 (2013-04-22) ------------------ * Using the astropy package-template_ to bring pydl into astropy-compatible form. * Some but not all tests are re-implemented. 0.1.1 (2013-03-06) ------------------ * Creating a tag representing the state immediately after creation of the `git repository`_. 0.1 (2010-11-10) ---------------- * Initial tag (made in svn, not visible in git). Visible at http://www.sdss3.org/svn/repo/pydl/tags/0.1 . .. _`astropy_helpers`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy-helpers .. _package-template: https://github.com/astropy/package-template .. _`git repository`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl .. _`write multiple ndarray to yanny files`: https://github.com/weaverba137/pydl/pull/3