Source code for pydl.pydlspec2d.spec2d

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module corresponds to the spec2d directory in idlspec2d.
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
from astropy import log
from import ascii
from import get_pkg_data_filename
from . import Pydlspec2dException, Pydlspec2dUserWarning
from .. import smooth
from ..pydlutils.bspline import iterfit
from ..pydlutils.image import djs_maskinterp
from ..pydlutils.math import djs_median
from ..pydlutils.sdss import sdss_flagval
from ..pydlutils.trace import traceset2xy, xy2traceset
from ..goddard.astro import vactoair

[docs]def aesthetics(flux, invvar, method='traditional'): """Add nice values to a spectrum where it is masked. Parameters ---------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The spectrum to clean up. invvar : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Inverse variance of the spectrum. method : { 'traditional', 'noconst', 'mean', 'damp', 'nothing' }, optional Apply this method to clean up the spectrum. Default is 'traditional'. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` A cleaned-up spectrum. """ badpts = invvar == 0 if badpts.any(): if method == 'traditional': newflux = djs_maskinterp(flux, invvar == 0, const=True) elif method == 'noconst': newflux = djs_maskinterp(flux, invvar == 0) elif method == 'mean': newflux = flux.copy() goodpts = invvar > 0 newflux[~goodpts] = newflux[goodpts].mean() elif method == 'damp': l = 250 # damping length in pixels goodpts = invvar.nonzero()[0] nflux = flux.size mingood = goodpts.min() maxgood = goodpts.max() newflux = djs_maskinterp(flux, invvar == 0, const=True) pixels = np.arange(nflux, dtype='f') if mingood > 0: damp1 = float(min(mingood, l)) newflux *= 0.5*(1.0+erf((pixels-mingood)/damp1)) if maxgood < (nflux - 1): damp2 = float(min(maxgood, l)) newflux *= 0.5*(1.0+erf((maxgood-pixels)/damp2)) elif method == 'nothing': newflux = flux.copy() else: raise Pydlspec2dException("Unknown method: {0}".format(method)) return newflux else: return flux
[docs]def combine1fiber(inloglam, objflux, newloglam, objivar=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Combine several spectra of the same object, or resample a single spectrum. Parameters ---------- inloglam : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Vector of log wavelength. objflux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Input flux. newloglam : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Output wavelength pixels, vector of log wavelength. objivar : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Inverse variance of the flux. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, set log level to DEBUG. Returns ------- :func:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` The resulting flux and inverse variance. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If input dimensions don't match. """ # # Log # # log.enable_warnings_logging() if verbose: log.setLevel('DEBUG') # # Check that dimensions of inputs are valid. # npix = inloglam.size nfinalpix = len(newloglam) if objflux.shape != inloglam.shape: raise ValueError('Dimensions of inloglam and objflux do not agree.') if objivar is not None: if objivar.shape != inloglam.shape: raise ValueError('Dimensions of inloglam and objivar do not agree.') if 'finalmask' in kwargs: if kwargs['finalmask'].shape != inloglam.shape: raise ValueError('Dimensions of inloglam and finalmask do not agree.') if 'indisp' in kwargs: if kwargs['indisp'].shape != inloglam.shape: raise ValueError('Dimensions of inloglam and indisp do not agree.') # # Set defaults # EPS = np.finfo(np.float32).eps if 'binsz' in kwargs: binsz = kwargs['binsz'] else: if inloglam.ndim == 2: binsz = inloglam[0, 1] - inloglam[0, 0] else: binsz = inloglam[1] - inloglam[0] if 'nord' in kwargs: nord = kwargs['nord'] else: nord = 3 if 'bkptbin' in kwargs: bkptbin = kwargs['bkptbin'] else: bkptbin = 1.2 * binsz if 'maxsep' in kwargs: maxsep = kwargs['maxsep'] else: maxsep = 2.0 * binsz if inloglam.ndim == 1: # # Set specnum = 0 for all elements # nspec = 1 specnum = np.zeros(inloglam.shape, dtype=inloglam.dtype) else: nspec, ncol = inloglam.shape specnum = np.tile(np.arange(nspec), ncol).reshape(ncol, nspec).transpose() # # Use fullcombmask for modifying the pixel masks in the original input files. # fullcombmask = np.zeros(npix) newflux = np.zeros(nfinalpix, dtype=inloglam.dtype) newmask = np.zeros(nfinalpix, dtype='i4') newivar = np.zeros(nfinalpix, dtype=inloglam.dtype) newdisp = np.zeros(nfinalpix, dtype=inloglam.dtype) newsky = np.zeros(nfinalpix, dtype=inloglam.dtype) newdispweight = np.zeros(nfinalpix, dtype=inloglam.dtype) if objivar is None: nonzero = np.arange(npix, dtype='i4') ngood = npix else: nonzero = (objivar.ravel() > 0).nonzero()[0] ngood = nonzero.size # # ormask is needed to create andmask # andmask = np.zeros(nfinalpix, dtype='i4') ormask = np.zeros(nfinalpix, dtype='i4') if ngood == 0: # # In this case of no good points, set the nodata bit everywhere. # Also if noplug is set in the first input bit-mask, assume it # should be set everywhere in the output bit masks. No other bits # are set. # warn('No good points!', Pydlspec2dUserWarning) bitval = sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'NODATA') if 'finalmask' in kwargs: bitval |= (sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'NOPLUG') * (finalmask[0] & sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'NODATA'))) andmask = andmask | bitval ormask = ormask | bitval return (newflux, newivar) else: # # Now let's break sorted wavelengths into groups where pixel # separations are larger than maxsep. # inloglam_r = inloglam.ravel() isort = nonzero[inloglam_r[nonzero].argsort()] wavesort = inloglam_r[isort] padwave = np.insert(wavesort, 0, wavesort.min() - 2.0*maxsep) padwave = np.append(padwave, wavesort.max() + 2.0*maxsep) ig1 = ((padwave[1:ngood+1]-padwave[0:ngood]) > maxsep).nonzero()[0] ig2 = ((padwave[2:ngood+2]-padwave[1:ngood+1]) > maxsep).nonzero()[0] if ig1.size != ig2.size: raise ValueError('Grouping tricks did not work!') # # Avoid flux-dependent bias when combining multiple spectra. # This call to djs_median contains a width that is both floating-point # and even, which is very strange. # if objivar is not None and objivar.ndim > 1: saved_objivar = objivar for spec in range(nspec): igood = (objivar[spec, :] > 0).nonzero()[0] if igood.size > 0: # objivar[spec, igood] = djs_median(saved_objivar[spec, igood], width=100.) objivar[spec, igood] = djs_median(saved_objivar[spec, igood], width=101) else: saved_objivar = None for igrp in range(ig1.size): ss = isort[ig1[igrp]:ig2[igrp]+1] if ss.size > 2: if objivar is None: # # Fit without variance # sset, bmask = iterfit(inloglam_r[ss], objflux.ravel()[ss], nord=nord, groupbadpix=True, requiren=1, bkspace=bkptbin, silent=True) else: # # Fit with variance # sset, bmask = iterfit(inloglam_r[ss], objflux.ravel()[ss], invvar=objivar.ravel()[ss], nord=nord, groupbadpix=True, requiren=1, bkspace=bkptbin, silent=True) if np.sum(np.absolute(sset.coeff)) == 0: sset = None bmask = np.zeros(len(ss)) warn('All B-spline coefficients have been set to zero!', Pydlspec2dUserWarning) else: bmask = np.zeros(len(ss)) sset = None warn('Not enough data for B-spline fit!', Pydlspec2dUserWarning) inside = ((newloglam >= (inloglam_r[ss]).min()-EPS) & (newloglam <= (inloglam_r[ss]).max()+EPS)).nonzero()[0] # # It is possible for numinside to be zero, if the input data points # span an extremely small wavelength range, within which there are # no output wavelengths. # if sset is not None and len(inside) > 0: newflux[inside], bvalumask = sset.value(newloglam[inside]) if bvalumask.any(): newmask[inside[bvalumask]] = 1 log.debug('Masked {0:d} of {1:d} pixels.'.format((1-bmask).sum(), bmask.size)) # # Determine which pixels should be masked based upon the spline # fit. Set the combinerej bit. # ireplace = ~bmask if ireplace.any(): # # The following would replace the original flux values of # masked pixels with b-spline evaluations. # # objflux[ss[ireplace]] = sset.value(inloglam[ss[ireplace]]) # # Set the inverse variance of these pixels to zero. # if objivar is not None: objivar.ravel()[ss[ireplace]] = 0.0 log.debug('Replaced {0:d} pixels in objivar.'.format(len(ss[ireplace]))) if 'finalmask' in kwargs: finalmask[ss[ireplace]] = (finalmask[ss[ireplace]] | sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'COMBINEREJ')) fullcombmask[ss] = bmask # # Restore objivar # if saved_objivar is not None: objivar = saved_objivar * (objivar > 0) # # Combine inverse variance and pixel masks. # # Start with all bits set in andmask # andmask[:] = -1 for j in range(int(specnum.max())+1): these = (specnum.ravel() == j).nonzero()[0] if these.any(): inbetween = ((newloglam >= inloglam_r[these].min()) & (newloglam <= inloglam_r[these].max())) if inbetween.any(): jnbetween = inbetween.nonzero()[0] # # Conserve inverse variance by doing a linear interpolation # on that quantity. # result = np.interp(newloglam[jnbetween], inloglam_r[these], (objivar.ravel()[these] * fullcombmask[these])) # # Grow the fullcombmask below to reject any new sampling # containing even a partial masked pixel. # smask = np.interp(newloglam[jnbetween], inloglam_r[these], fullcombmask[these].astype(inloglam.dtype)) result *= smask >= (1.0 - EPS) newivar[jnbetween] += result*newmask[jnbetween] lowside = np.floor((inloglam_r[these]-newloglam[0])/binsz).astype('i4') highside = lowside + 1 if 'finalmask' in kwargs: andmask[lowside] &= finalmask[these] andmask[highside] &= finalmask[these] ormask[lowside] |= finalmask[these] ormask[highside] |= finalmask[these] # # Combine the dispersions + skies in the dumbest way possible # [sic]. # if 'indisp' in kwargs: newdispweight[jnbetween] += result newdisp[jnbetween] += (result * np.interp(newloglam[jnbetween], inloglam_r[these], indisp.ravel()[these])) newsky[jnbetween] += (result * np.interp(newloglam[jnbetween], inloglam_r[these], skyflux.ravel()[these])) if 'indisp' in kwargs: newdisp /= newdispweight + (newdispweight == 0) newsky /= newdispweight + (newdispweight == 0) # # Grow regions where 3 or more pixels are rejected together ??? # foo = smooth(newivar, 3) badregion = np.absolute(foo) < EPS # badregion = foo == 0.0 if badregion.any(): warn('Growing bad pixel region, {0:d} pixels found.'.format(badregion.sum()), Pydlspec2dUserWarning) ibad = badregion.nonzero()[0] lowerregion = np.where(ibad-2 < 0, 0, ibad-2) upperregion = np.where(ibad+2 > nfinalpix-1, nfinalpix-1, ibad+2) newivar[lowerregion] = 0.0 newivar[upperregion] = 0.0 # # Replace NaNs in combined spectra; this should really never happen. # inff = ((~np.isfinite(newflux)) | (~np.isfinite(newivar))) if inff.any(): warn('{0:d} NaNs in combined spectra.'.format(inff.sum()), Pydlspec2dUserWarning) newflux[inff] = 0.0 newivar[inff] = 0.0 # # Interpolate over masked pixels, just for aesthetic purposoes. # goodpts = newivar > 0 if 'aesthetics' in kwargs: amethod = kwargs['aesthetics'] else: amethod = 'traditional' newflux = aesthetics(newflux, newivar, method=amethod) # if 'interpolate' in kwargs: # newflux = pydlutils.image.djs_maskinterp(newflux,~goodpts,const=True) # else: # newflux[~goodpts] = newflux[goodpts].mean() if goodpts.any(): minglam = newloglam[goodpts].min() maxglam = newloglam[goodpts].max() ibad = ((newloglam < minglam) | (newloglam > maxglam)) if ibad.any(): ormask[ibad] |= sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'NODATA') andmask[ibad] |= sdss_flagval('SPPIXMASK', 'NODATA') # # Replace values of -1 in the andmask with 0. # andmask *= (andmask != -1) return (newflux, newivar)
[docs]def filter_thru(flux, waveimg=None, wset=None, mask=None, filter_prefix='sdss_jun2001', toair=False): """Compute throughput in SDSS filters. Parameters ---------- flux : array-like Spectral flux. waveimg : array-like, optional Full wavelength solution, with the same shape as `flux`. wset : :class:`~pydl.pydlutils.trace.TraceSet`, optional A trace set containing the wavelength solution. Must be specified if `waveimg` is not specified. mask : array-like, optional Interpolate over pixels where `mask` is non-zero. filter_prefix : :class:`str`, optional Specifies a set of filter curves. toair : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, convert the wavelengths to air from vacuum before computing. Returns ------- array-like Integrated flux in the filter bands. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If neither `waveimg` nor `wset` are set. """ nTrace, nx = flux.shape if filter_prefix != 'sdss_jun2001': raise ValueError("Filters other than {0} are not available!".format('sdss_jun2001')) ffiles = [_get_pkg_filename_compat('data/filters/{0}_{1}_atm.dat'.format(filter_prefix, f), package='pydl.pydlutils') for f in 'ugriz'] if waveimg is None and wset is None: raise ValueError("Either waveimg or wset must be specified!") if waveimg is None: pixnorm, logwave = traceset2xy(wset) waveimg = 10**logwave if toair: newwaveimg = vactoair(waveimg) else: newwaveimg = waveimg logwave = np.log10(newwaveimg) diffx = np.outer(np.ones((nTrace,), dtype=flux.dtype), np.arange(nx-1, dtype=flux.dtype)) diffy = logwave[:, 1:] - logwave[:, 0:nx-1] diffset = xy2traceset(diffx, diffy, ncoeff=4, xmin=0, xmax=nx-1) pixnorm, logdiff = traceset2xy(diffset) logdiff = np.absolute(logdiff) if mask is not None: flux_interp = djs_maskinterp(flux, mask, iaxis=0) res = np.zeros((nTrace, len(ffiles)), dtype=flux.dtype) for i, f in enumerate(ffiles): filter_data =, comment='#.*', names=('lam', 'respt', 'resbig', 'resnoa', 'xatm')) filtimg = logdiff * np.interp(newwaveimg.flatten(), filter_data['lam'].data, filter_data['respt'].data).reshape(logdiff.shape) if mask is not None: res[:, i] = (flux_interp * filtimg).sum(1) else: res[:, i] = (flux * filtimg).sum(1) sumfilt = filtimg.sum(1) res[:, i] = res[:, i] / (sumfilt + (sumfilt <= 0).astype(sumfilt.dtype)) return res
def _get_pkg_filename_compat(filename, package): """Astropy 1.0.x/LTS does not accept the 'package' argument. """ try: f = get_pkg_data_filename(filename, package=package) except TypeError: from pkg_resources import resource_filename f = resource_filename(package, filename) return f