Source code for pydl.photoop.sdssio

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module corresponds to the sdssio directory of photoop.
import os
import numpy as np
from six import string_types

# Filename formats used by sdss_name and sdss_path
_name_formats = {
    'apObj': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'calibMatch': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}.fits",
    'calibPhotom': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}.fits",
    'calibPhotomGlobal': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}.fits",
    'fakeIdR': "idR-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'fpAtlas': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'fpBIN': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'fpC': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'fpFieldStat': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'fpM': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'fpObjc': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'hoggObj': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fits",
    'idFF': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}.fit",
    'idR': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'idRR': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'psBB': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'psFF': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{filter}{camcol:1d}.fit",
    'psField': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fit",
    'reObjGlobal': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fits",
    'reObjRun': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fits",
    'reObjTmp': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}-{field:04d}.fits",
    'tsField': "{ftype}-{run:06d}-{camcol:1d}-{rerun}-{field:04d}.fit",

_path_formats = {
    'apObj': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'calibMatch': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/nfcalib",
    'calibPhotom': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/nfcalib",
    'calibPhotomGlobal': "{calib}/{rerun}/{run:d}/nfcalib",
    'fakeIdR': "{data}/{run:d}/fake_fields/{camcol:1d}",
    'fpAtlas': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'fpBIN': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'fpC': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'fpFieldStat': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'fpM': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'fpObjc': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'hoggObj': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'idFF': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'idR': "{data}/{run:d}/fields/{camcol:1d}",
    'idRR': "{data}/{run:d}/fields/{camcol:1d}",
    'psBB': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'psFF': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'psField': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/objcs/{camcol:1d}",
    'reObjGlobal': "{resolve}/{rerun}/{run:d}/resolve/{camcol:1d}",
    'reObjRun': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/resolve/{camcol:1d}",
    'reObjTmp': "{resolve}/{rerun}/{run:d}/resolve/{camcol:1d}",
    'tsField': "{redux}/{rerun}/{run:d}/calibChunks/{camcol:1d}",

[docs]def filtername(f): """Return the name of a filter given its number. Parameters ---------- f : :class:`int` The filter number. Returns ------- :class:`str` The corresponding filter name. Examples -------- >>> filtername(0) 'u' """ if isinstance(f, string_types): return f fname = ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z') return fname[f]
[docs]def filternum(filt='foo'): """Return index number for SDSS filters either from a number or name. Parameters ---------- filt : :class:`str` The filter name. Returns ------- :class:`int` The corresponding filter number Raises ------ :exc:`KeyError` If `filt` is not a valid filter name. Examples -------- >>> filternum('g') 1 """ if filt == 'foo': return list(range(5)) else: filters = {'u': 0, 'g': 1, 'r': 2, 'i': 3, 'z': 4} return filters[filt]
[docs]def sdss_calib(run, camcol, field, rerun='', **kwargs): """Read photometric calibration solutions from calibPhotom or calibPhotomGlobal files. Parameters ---------- run : :class:`int` Photo run number camcol : :class:`int` Camcol number field : :class:`int` Field number rerun : :class:`str`, optional Photometric reduction number, as a string. Returns ------- :class:`dict` A dictionary containing the 'NMGYPERCOUNT' keyword. Notes ----- Currently, this is just a placeholder. """ return {'NMGYPERCOUNT': 1.0}
[docs]def sdss_name(ftype, run, camcol, field, rerun='', thisfilter='r', no_path=False): """Return the name of an SDSS data file including path. Parameters ---------- ftype : :class:`str` The general type of the file, for example ``'reObj'`` run : :class:`int` The run number. camcol : :class:`int` The camcol number. field : :class:`int` The field number rerun : :class:`str`, optional If necessary, set the rerun name using this argument. thisfilter : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional If necessary, set the filter using this argument. no_path : :class:`bool`, optional Normally, sdss_name returns the full path. If `no_path` is ``True``, only the basename of the file is returned. Returns ------- :class:`str` The full file name, normally including the full path. Raises ------ :exc:`KeyError` If the file type is unknown. """ if ftype == 'reObj': if 'PHOTO_RESOLVE' in os.environ: myftype = 'reObjGlobal' else: myftype = 'reObjRun' else: myftype = ftype thisfilter = filtername(thisfilter) indict = {'ftype': myftype, 'run': run, 'camcol': camcol, 'field': field, 'filter': thisfilter, 'rerun': rerun} try: fullname = _name_formats[myftype].format(**indict) except KeyError: raise KeyError("Unknown FTYPE = {0}".format(myftype)) if not no_path: datadir = sdss_path(myftype, run, camcol, rerun) fullname = os.path.join(datadir, fullname) return fullname
[docs]def sdss_path(ftype, run, camcol=0, rerun=''): """Return the path name for SDSS data assuming SAS directory structure. Parameters ---------- ftype : :class:`str` The general type of the file, for example ``'reObj'`` run : :class:`int` The run number. camcol : :class:`int`, optional If necessary, set the camcol number using this argument. rerun : :class:`str`, optional If necessary, set the rerun name using this argument. Returns ------- :class:`str` The directory in which file `ftype` lives. Raises ------ :exc:`KeyError` If the file type is unknown. """ indict = { 'run': run, 'camcol': camcol, 'rerun': rerun, 'calib': os.getenv('PHOTO_CALIB'), 'data': os.getenv('PHOTO_DATA'), 'photoobj': os.getenv('BOSS_PHOTOOBJ'), 'redux': os.getenv('PHOTO_REDUX'), 'resolve': os.getenv('PHOTO_RESOLVE'), 'sky': os.getenv('PHOTO_SKY'), 'sweep': os.getenv('PHOTO_SWEEP'), } try: datadir = _path_formats[ftype].format(**indict) except KeyError: raise KeyError("Unknown FTYPE = {0}".format(ftype)) return datadir
[docs]def sdssflux2ab(flux, magnitude=False, ivar=False): """Convert the SDSS calibrated fluxes (magnitudes) into AB fluxes (magnitudes). Parameters ---------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of calibrated fluxes or SDSS magnitudes with 5 columns, corresponding to the 5 filters *u*, *g*, *r*, *i*, *z*. magnitude : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``True``, then assume `flux` are SDSS magnitudes instead of linear flux units. ivar : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional If set, the input fluxes are actually inverse variances. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of fluxes or magnitudes on the AB system. Notes ----- Uses the conversions posted by D.Hogg (sdss-calib/845):: u(AB,2.5m) = u(2.5m) - 0.042 g(AB,2.5m) = g(2.5m) + 0.036 r(AB,2.5m) = r(2.5m) + 0.015 i(AB,2.5m) = i(2.5m) + 0.013 z(AB,2.5m) = z(2.5m) - 0.002 """ # # Correction vector, adjust this as necessary # correction = np.array([-0.042, 0.036, 0.015, 0.013, -0.002]) rows, cols = flux.shape abflux = flux.copy() if magnitude: for i in range(rows): abflux[i, :] += correction else: factor = 10.0**(-correction/2.5) if ivar: factor = 1.0/factor**2 for i in range(rows): abflux[i, :] *= factor return abflux