SDSS Utilities (pydl.pydlutils)


This package provides functionality similar to idlutils, a general suite of tools heavily used by SDSS.

idlutils is itself divided into a number of subpackages. Below we list the subpackages and the usability of the PyDL equivalent. The readiness levels are defined as:

Not Applicable (NA)
Another built-in or numpy/scipy/astropy package completely replaces this. No point in implementing.
Not (yet) implemented at all.
Only a few functions are implemented.
Enough functions are implemented to be useful, but some are missing.
Pretty much anything you could do with the idlutils code you can do with the equivalent here.
Subpackage Readiness Level Comments
2mass None For use with matching 2MASS catalogs to SDSS data.
astrom None For use with SDSS astrometric data structures. Largely superseded by WCS.
bspline Good  
cooling Good  
coord Fair Some functionality already provided by astropy.coordinates.
cosmography None  
dimage None  
djsphot None  
dust None For use with the SFD galactic dust map.
first None For use with matching FIRST catalogs to SDSS data.
fits NA Use
healpix None  
image Rudimentary Only a few functions implemented.
json NA Use json or other packages.
mangle Fair Some work still required on polygon area calculations.
math Fair  
mcmc None But there are plenty of good Python MCMC packages out there.
mglib None  
misc Fair  
mpeg None  
mpfit None  
physics None  
plot None Much functionality already exists in matplotlib.
psf None  
rgbcolor Good  
rosat None For use with matching ROSAT catalogs to SDSS data.
sdss Good Most important functionalities are bitmasks and reading sweep files.
slatec None  
spheregroup Good Used for matching arbitrary RA, Dec coordinates to other arbitrary RA, Dec coordinates.
TeXtoIDL NA This package is for including TeX in IDL plots. Since matplotlib understands TeX natively, this is not needed.
trace Fair  
ukidss None Used for matching UKIDSS catalogs to SDSS data.
wise None Used for matching WISE catalogs to SDSS data.
yanny Good  


pydl.pydlutils Package

This subpackage implements functions from the idlutils package.


PydlutilsException Exceptions raised by pydl.pydlutils that don’t fit into a standard exception class like ValueError.
PydlutilsUserWarning Class for warnings issued by pydl.pydlutils.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pydl.pydlutils.PydlutilsException, pydl.pydlutils.PydlutilsUserWarning

pydl.pydlutils.bspline Module

This module corresponds to the bspline directory in idlutils.


cholesky_band(l[, mininf, verbose]) Compute Cholesky decomposition of banded matrix.
cholesky_solve(a, bb) Solve the equation Ax=b where A is a Cholesky-banded matrix.
iterfit(xdata, ydata[, invvar, upper, …]) Iteratively fit a b-spline set to data, with rejection.


bspline(x[, nord, npoly, bkpt, bkspread, …]) Bspline class.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pydl.pydlutils.bspline.bspline

pydl.pydlutils.cooling Module

This module corresponds to the cooling directory in idlutils.


read_ds_cooling(fname[, logT]) Read in the Sutherland & Dopita (1993) cooling function.

pydl.pydlutils.coord Module

This module corresponds to the coord directory in idlutils.


current_mjd() Return the current MJD.
munu_to_radec(munu, icrs_frame) Convert from SDSS great circle coordinates to equatorial coordinates.
radec_to_munu(icrs_frame, munu) Convert from equatorial coordinates to SDSS great circle coordinates.
stripe_to_eta(stripe) Convert from SDSS great circle coordinates to equatorial coordinates.
stripe_to_incl(stripe) Convert from SDSS stripe number to an inclination relative to the equator.


SDSSMuNu(*args, **kwargs) SDSS Great Circle Coordinates

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pydl.pydlutils.coord.SDSSMuNu

pydl.pydlutils.image Module

This module corresponds to the image directory in idlutils.


djs_maskinterp(yval, mask[, xval, axis, const]) Interpolate over masked pixels in a vector, image or 3-D array.
djs_maskinterp1(yval, mask[, xval, const]) Interpolate over a masked, 1-d array.

pydl.pydlutils.mangle Module

This module corresponds to the mangle directory in idlutils.

Mangle [1] is a software suite that supports the concept of polygons on a sphere, and is used to, for example, describe the window function of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

This implementation is intended to support the portions of Mangle that are included in idlutils. To simplify the coding somewhat, unlike idlutils, the caps information is accessed through polygon.x and, not polygon.caps.x or

Window function operations are already supported by is_in_polygon() and is_in_window(). However, calculation of polygon area (solid angle) from first principles is not yet implemented.

Note that in traditional geometry “spherical polygon” means a figure bounded by great circles. Mangle allows polygons to be bounded by any circle, great or not. Use care when comparing formulas in this module to formulas in the mathematical literature.


angles_to_x(points[, latitude]) Convert spherical angles to unit Cartesian vectors.
cap_distance(x, cm, points) Compute the distance from a point to a cap, and also determine whether the point is inside or outside the cap.
circle_cap(radius, points) Construct caps based on input points (directions on the unit sphere).
is_cap_used(use_caps, i) Returns True if a cap is used.
is_in_cap(x, cm, points) Are the points in a (single) given cap?
is_in_polygon(polygon, points[, ncaps]) Are the points in a given (single) polygon?
is_in_window(polygons, points[, ncaps]) Check to see if points lie within a set of polygons.
read_fits_polygons(filename[, convert]) Read a “polygon” format FITS file.
read_mangle_polygons(filename) Read a “polygon” format ASCII file in Mangle’s own format.
set_use_caps(polygon, index_list[, add, …]) Set the bits in use_caps for a polygon.
x_to_angles(points[, latitude]) Convert unit Cartesian vectors to spherical angles.


FITS_polygon Handle polygons read in from a FITS file.
ManglePolygon(*args, **kwargs) Simple object to represent a polygon.
PolygonList(*args, **kwargs) A list that contains ManglePolygon objects and possibly some metadata.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pydl.pydlutils.mangle.FITS_polygon, pydl.pydlutils.mangle.ManglePolygon, pydl.pydlutils.mangle.PolygonList

pydl.pydlutils.math Module

This module corresponds to the math directory in idlutils.


djs_median(array[, dimension, width, boundary]) Compute the median of an array.
djs_reject(data, model[, outmask, inmask, …]) Routine to reject points when doing an iterative fit to data.
find_contiguous(x) Find the longest sequence of contiguous non-zero array elements.


computechi2(bvec, sqivar, amatrix) Solve the linear set of equations \(A x = b\) using SVD.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pydl.pydlutils.math.computechi2

pydl.pydlutils.misc Module

This module corresponds to the misc directory in idlutils.


decode_mixed(x) Convert bytes in Numpy arrays into strings.
djs_laxisgen(dims[, iaxis]) Returns an integer array where each element of the array is set equal to its index number along the specified axis.
djs_laxisnum(dims[, iaxis]) Returns an integer array where each element of the array is set equal to its index number in the specified axis.
hogg_iau_name(ra, dec[, prefix, precision]) Properly format astronomical source names to the IAU convention.
struct_print(array[, filename, formatcodes, …]) Print a NumPy record array (analogous to an IDL structure) in a nice way.

pydl.pydlutils.rgbcolor Module

This module corresponds to the rgbcolor directory in idlutils.

This code reproduces the algorithms of Lupton et al. (2004) [2]. The purpose is to produce nice color (RGB, JPEG, PNG, etc.) from FITS images in astronomical filter bands.


nw_arcsinh(colors[, nonlinearity]) Scales colors by a degree of nonlinearity specified by user.
nw_cut_to_box(colors[, origin]) Limits the pixel values of the image to a ‘box’, so that the colors do not saturate to white but to a specific color.
nw_float_to_byte(image[, bits]) Converts an array of floats in [0.0, 1.0] to bytes in [0, 255].
nw_scale_rgb(colors[, scales]) Multiply RGB image by color-dependent scale factor.

pydl.pydlutils.sdss Module

This module corresponds to the sdss directory in idlutils.


default_skyversion() Returns skyversion number to use for photoop imaging.
sdss_astrombad(run, camcol, field[, …]) For a list of RUN, CAMCOL, FIELD, return whether each field has bad astrometry.
sdss_flagexist(flagname, bitname[, …]) Check for the existence of flags.
sdss_flagname(flagname, flagvalue[, concat]) Return a list of flag names corresponding to the values.
sdss_flagval(flagname, bitname) Convert bitmask names into values.
sdss_objid(run, camcol, field, objnum[, …]) Convert SDSS photometric identifiers into CAS-style ObjID.
sdss_specobjid(plate, fiber, mjd, run2d[, …]) Convert SDSS spectrum identifiers into CAS-style specObjID.
sdss_sweep_circle(ra, dec, radius[, stype, …]) Read the SDSS datasweep files and return objects around a location.
set_maskbits([idlutils_version, maskbits_file]) Populate the maskbits cache.
unwrap_specobjid(specObjID[, run2d_integer, …]) Unwrap CAS-style specObjID into plate, fiber, mjd, run2d.

pydl.pydlutils.spheregroup Module

This module corresponds to the spheregroup directory in idlutils.


spheregroup(ra, dec, linklength[, chunksize]) Perform friends-of-friends grouping given ra/dec coordinates.
spherematch(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, matchlength) Match points on a sphere.


chunks(ra, dec, minSize) chunks class
groups(coordinates, distance[, separation]) Group a set of objects (a list of coordinates in some space) based on

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pydl.pydlutils.spheregroup.chunks, pydl.pydlutils.spheregroup.groups

pydl.pydlutils.trace Module

This module corresponds to the trace directory in idlutils.


fchebyshev(x, m) Compute the first m Chebyshev polynomials.
fchebyshev_split(x, m) Compute the first m Chebyshev polynomials, but modified to allow a split in the baseline at \(x=0\).
fpoly(x, m) Compute the first m simple polynomials.
func_fit(x, y, ncoeff[, invvar, …]) Fit x, y positions to a functional form.
traceset2xy(tset[, xpos, ignore_jump]) Convert from a trace set to an array of x,y positions.
xy2traceset(xpos, ypos, **kwargs) Convert from x,y positions to a trace set.


TraceSet(*args, **kwargs) Implements the idea of a trace set.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pydl.pydlutils.trace.TraceSet

pydl.pydlutils.yanny Module

This module corresponds to the yanny directory in idlutils.

This is a Python library for reading & writing yanny files.

yanny is an object-oriented interface to SDSS Parameter files (a.k.a. “FTCL” or “yanny” files) following these specifications. Parameter files typically have and can be recognized by the extension .par. These files may also be recognized if the first line of the file is:


This is not part of the standard specification, but it suffices to identify, e.g., files that have not yet been written to disk, but only exist as file objects.

Because Parameter files can contain multiple tables, as well as metadata, there is no simple, one-to-one correspondence between these files and, say, an astropy Table object. Thus, yanny objects are implemented as a subclass of OrderedDict (to remember the order of keyword-value pairs), and the actual data are values accessed by keyword. Still, it is certainly possible to write a table-like object to a yanny file.

Given the caveats above, we have introduced experimental support for reading and writing yanny files directly to/from Table objects. Because of the experimental nature of this support, it must be activated “by hand” by including this snippet in your code:

from astropy.table import Table
from import (register_identifier, register_reader,
from pydl.pydlutils.yanny import (is_yanny, read_table_yanny,

register_identifier('yanny', Table, is_yanny)
register_reader('yanny', Table, read_table_yanny)
register_writer('yanny', Table, write_table_yanny)

Currently multidimensional arrays are only supported for type char, and a close reading of the specifications indicates that multidimensional arrays were only ever intended to be supported for type char. So no multidimensional arrays, sorry.


is_yanny(origin, path, fileobj, *args, **kwargs) Identifies Yanny files or objects.
read_table_yanny(filename[, tablename]) Read a yanny file into a Table.
write_ndarray_to_yanny(filename, datatables) Converts a NumPy record array into a new FTCL/yanny file.
write_table_yanny(table, filename[, …]) Write a Table to a yanny file.


yanny([filename, raw]) An object interface to a yanny file.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pydl.pydlutils.yanny.yanny