SDSS Imaging Data (pydl.photoop)


This is a placeholder for photoop documentation.


pydl.photoop Package

This subpackage implements functions from the photoop package.


PhotoopException Exceptions raised by pydl.photoop that don’t fit into a standard exception class like ValueError.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pydl.photoop.PhotoopException

pydl.photoop.photoobj Module

This module corresponds to the photoobj directory in photoop.


sdss_calibv() Return calibration for velocities from pix/frame to deg/day.
unwrap_objid(objid) Unwrap CAS-style objID into run, camcol, field, id, rerun.

pydl.photoop.sdssio Module

This module corresponds to the sdssio directory of photoop.


filtername(f) Return the name of a filter given its number.
filternum([filt]) Return index number for SDSS filters either from a number or name.
sdss_calib(run, camcol, field[, rerun]) Read photometric calibration solutions from calibPhotom or calibPhotomGlobal files.
sdss_name(ftype, run, camcol, field[, …]) Return the name of an SDSS data file including path.
sdss_path(ftype, run[, camcol, rerun]) Return the path name for SDSS data assuming SAS directory structure.
sdssflux2ab(flux[, magnitude, ivar]) Convert the SDSS calibrated fluxes (magnitudes) into AB fluxes (magnitudes).

pydl.photoop.window Module

This module corresponds to the window directory in photoop.


sdss_score(flist[, silent]) Score a list of imaging fields from zero to one.
window_read(**kwargs) Read window files in $PHOTO_RESOLVE.
window_score(**kwargs) For uber-resolve, score all the fields from zero to one.